Chapter 6

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     You open you eyes to see a mostly empty room except for the cot on which you slept, and the table beside that cot. The table had a tray with surgical tools and two syringes full of an amber liquid. Seeing this liquid you shiver, thinking of what it could do to you, you begin backing away. Once at a safe distance, you bring a hand up to your cheekbone and, expecting to feel an open wound, you are surprised to feel stitches covering a nearly fully healed scar. You run your tongue on your teeth as you often do when you are unsettled and you find them sharper than usual. This was fine... 

     You snap out of examining yourself when you get the feeling like you are being watched. You turn to see EJ watching you from a dark corner of the room. He seems to be thinking about something. All of a sudden you remember the visions you had about him. Him being a cold-hearted killer. You shiver, but you manage to ask him where you were. To this he responded with a low chuckle. "Someplace safe," he said. If it was away from Jeff, you were fine. EJ slowly stood up and walked over to you. "Stay still," he demanded. You followed his order and you stood rigid as a board as he walked around you. Once he had finished and seemed satisfied he turned to face you and took three steps back. "(Y/n) if you are ok with it, I'd like to try something," he said. You thought about it for a second and then simply said "Ok."  Suddenly he lunged at you with his scalpel in hand. You dodged his attack, and as you felt your heartbeat quicken, you felt your senses sharpen as well. He turned to face you and attacked again. You feel a growl rise in your throat and escape your mouth. You sensed his attack this time, more than seeing it. You ducked as he threw his scalpel and you reached up with your hand and grabbed it out of the air. EJ, impressed, produces three more scalpels from seemingly nowhere and you two resume your deadly dance. He cuts your arm with a scalpel and you bury a scalpel in his mask, twist it, and pull his mask off along with the scalpel. 

      Your eyes meet the empty sockets in front of you and you giggle. 'What was everybody so afraid of? Why was I afraid?' You hear his heavy breathing as you push him to the floor but catch him on the way down so he dosent land hard on his head. You then step on his chest and say "I win." You catch sight of yourself in the broken glass on the floor and realize you have become something inhuman. Your ears have become those of a wolf and your eyes a reddish shade of amber. You smile and your sharp teeth gleam in the rising sun. You glance down at EJ who seems utterly relaxed and then glance back up at the glass. All of your animal features were gone and you were yourself again. You take your foot off of EJ and help him up. You have this new sort of confidence about you. A confidence that says you could face Jeff and win a fight against anyone....

PastaWolf- ANOTHER CHAPTER DONE  YAAAY it will all make sense later I promise!- PAstaWolf

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