Chapter 13

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     You and Jeff retrace your steps and soon exit the building, which turns out to look much more broken-down than it truly is. You see boot prints in the soft ground, leading into the forest. Jeff comes ups behind you and places his hand on your lower back. "Its really obvious," he says, pointing at the prints, "plus can't you just, go psycho wolf or something." You shiver at the closeness and glare at him through your blush. "Sure," you say. You concentrate on the bootprints and think of your target, a shudder wracks your body and you close your eyes. When you open them you can smell the faint scent of your target heading in the same direction of the prints. 

      You follow the scent, your eyes practically glowing as the sunlight glints off of them. You can feel Jeffs gaze on you as you fall into a steady rhythm of steps. The prints had vanished and all you had to guide you was the ever-growing scent of Toby and the occasional crushed plant or two. Soon you reach a shallow river and the scent ends. By this time, it is early evening, and the sun is going beyond the treeline, causing the shadows to become longer and darker. You decide to cross the river and try to find the scent on the other side. You find it again about 50 feet down the river. Jeff's already there, waiting for you. 

     He smiles and something about it made you nervous. Not anxious, but a new kind of nervous to you. He just continues observing you as you follow the path. The scent now fresh against the leaves and ground. The scent was oddly comforting, the warmth of it seemed huggable. You shake this thought out of your head, the person that carries this scent, Toby, is your target. He's the one you're hunting. You look up, realizing the scent doesn't continue out of the small clearing you had entered. Your ears perk up as you hear a small crunch behind you, a crunch like someone landing from high up. From a tree possibly. 

     You stand still, ears perked, muscles tense, and senses on high alert. You turn around and grab the hatchet that had been silently aimed and thrown to hit in between your shoulder blades. You smile at your opponent who appeared to be around the same age as Jeff, maybe a little older. He smiles back as you speed to the side and forward to gain advantage over him from behind. He easily keeps his trained eyes on you even as he fights back, blocking all of your attempts to hit him with his own hatchet. On a sudden whim, you dart into the woods and climb a tree swiftly. By jumping from tree to tree, you were soon silently watching him from above. He didn't seem to know where you were. He begins heading into the woods and you drop behind him, putting the hatchet against his throat. "Drop the hatchet," you growl in his ear. He drops the hatchet and raises his hands in surrender. 

     You giggle and pick up the hatchet, giving both of them back to him. "I won," you say. "I-I s-see th-that," Toby says with a stutter. He smiles at you and you feel a happiness that you can only feel from a friend. Jeff steps out of the forest with a smug expression on his face. "I told you she could beat you," he says. Toby glares at him, "You d-didn't t-tell me that sh-she c-could run so f-fast!" You smirk. "Sorry," you say. "(Y/n), help me set up these tents," Jeff gestures to three tent bags just outside of the clearing, "and Toby go find some firewood." Toby nods and heads off into the forest. 

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