Chapter 5

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     "Hello again (y/n)," Jeff says as you back slowly away from the door. "You have no reason to run from me," he says, a wild grin crossing his face. You feel your back press into a wall as you watch the new Jeffery Woods approach you with malice in his eyes. "(Y/n), your mom got home," he says as he wipes fresh blood off of his knife, "she decided to take a little... rest." You realize what he has told you and you feel momentarily sad. A single tear makes its way down your bloody face and drops to the floor. You look past Jeff shoulder and out of the broken window, only to see smoke and flame where your house, and your mom, used to be. "Now (y/n), I think its time for you to go to sleep, right after I make you beautiful." He lunges for you and the impact of his body hitting you sends you crashing to the floor. He locked his knees around your hips, pinning you to the ground. He presses the sharp blade of his knife to your cheekbone and increased pressure on it until you bled. Tears streamed out of your eyes and onto the ground. "Oh, does that hurt (y/n),"" he says as he presses the knife harder into your tender flesh. With the last bit of strength you could muster you coughed blood into Jeff's "beautiful" face. His grip on you loosened a little bit, and as it did you saw a shadow detach itself from the wall. The shadow slammed into the weakened Jeff and knocked him fully off of you. You happen to see a flash of a syringe needle before it plunged into the neck of a thrashing Jeff. 

     "go to sleep," you hear a slightly mocking whisper. The whisper came from behind the blue mask of the shadowy figure you could now see had a black hoodie and dark jeans. He turned his head and looks at you. He walks over to you and offers you a hand. You take it and he helps you up. You watch as he walks over to a sleeping Jeff, pulls a pink unicorn stuffed animal out of his pocket and places it on Jeff's chest. You giggle a little bit at this. Giggling makes your head hurt so you stop. The shadowy figure paces back over to you and then takes your hand. He introduces himself as Eyeless Jack or, EJ for short. You stay quiet. If this person knew Jeff he could be a dangerous ally. An ally for sure. But a dangerous one. EJ gestures for you to follow him out of the room and you let him lead you to the door and out of the warehouse. You expect him to lead you towards more civilized areas but instead he takes you deep into the woods. 

     You feel that sense of unease and your head started to feel a little fuzzy as you walked deeper into he woods with EJ. There was a point you didn't want to go any further and EJ had to drag you with him. You began noticing the soft sound of static that you had back in the warehouse, steadily growing louder. You looked over at EJ to see if he was suffering the same discomfort, but the emotionless mask gave nothing away. of course. All of a sudden a huge wave of static hits you along with visions of EJ. Not the kind EJ you knew now, but a vicious, cannibalistic, killer.  You double over and cough up blood. You glance up at EJ with fear in your eyes. He catches and holds your glance. In this short contact he seemed to sense your plan to run and escape from him. You hear a small sigh as he takes your hand firmly in his own and, with his other hand, stabbed a small needle into your wrist. Your ears start to ring and your struggles became weaker. Your vision blurred and the last thing you saw before blacking out was the blue mask and you heard a softly whispered "I'm sorry (y/n)."  

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