Chapter 7

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     Ej slips a new jacket over your shoulders and zips it up for you. The jacket was red with white patches on the shoulders with the slender man symbol burned into them. The jacket was not too warm but not too cold and it seemed to fit you perfectly. EJ hands you a small hunting knife normally used for deer but he explained that he had a mission today so the knife was not for a deer. Slipping silently out of the 'abandoned' hospital. You and EJ make your way through the forest. Unaware of what you were supposed to be looking for you were surprised when EJ stopped you dead in your tracks. You two had come upon a campsite that seemed to be occupied by two humans. One male and one female. Ej scaled a tree quickly and quietly and you followed suite. After that EJ picked a branch and snapped it loudly as to draw the attention of the two campers. You heard the tent unzip and saw a male figure step out and walk towards the sound and, consequently, EJ. Ej dropped out of the tree onto his chosen victim and quickly slit his throat with his scalpel. The female stepped out of the tent as to follow the male but she stopped short when she saw you appear in front of her. You felt your senses sharpen once more as your ears shifted to wolf ears and your eyes turned a stunning shade of amber. You grin wildly as you plunge your hunting knife deep into your victims chest and watch the blood bubble out of the wound and onto your hand. You look over at EJ and you see him silently enjoying one of the kidneys of his victim. He offers you the other and you take it gratefully. You decide that it wasn't so bad and finish it in three gulps. Ej looks out into the forest on sudden high alert and you follow his gaze. A dog trots out of the forest and moves to EJ's side. "Hey Smile," EJ says while rubbing the dogs head. 

     You go over to Smile and pet him between the ears, he looks at you and wags his tail. You laugh a little. "You're so cute!" you tell the demon dog. He looks pleased. As you continue petting Smile, you hear a disturbingly familiar voice coming from somewhere near in the forest,"SMILE DOG GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!" Immediately you scale a nearby tree and survey the situation from above. Jeff walks into the small clearing and his eyes set on EJ. "EJ I have been meaning to talk to you... but thats a little hard when you are left alone in an abandoned warehouse dontcha think?!" says the angry killer.  Your heart beats faster and your senses are sharper than than they were in the fight with EJ. You focus of Jeff who was nearly right beneath you now you watch as he pulls a knife from his pocket and glares at EJ. You see your intended landing and drop right onto Jeff's shoulders, knocking him to the ground. The knife flies out of his hand and Smile Dog catches it in his mouth then runs. Jeff struggles to get up"OW WHAT THE FUCK!" he screams, "GET OFF!" With a small laugh you reply "No, EJ please pass me my knife." Ej stands silently staring into the woods. Concerned, you glance in that direction as well. This allows Jeff enough time to flip you off of him and onto your back. He puts his hand on your neck as if to choke you. You stare blankly into those insane eyes that you couldn't stop thinking about, and your heartbeat quickened. No not in fear... something else.       "(Y/N)?" Jeff exclaimed, in this moment of weakness you manage to escape from underneath him and stand up. Jeff stand up and calls for Smile. Smile didn't come. You call for Smile and he came bounding towards you with Jeff's knife in his mouth. You take the knife, and, after petting Smile, balance it on your finger. "See, He Comes," you say. EJ and Jeff both clap their hands over your mouth in fear and look around as if they were being watched. Jeff managed to allow a few words to escape him, "don't say that," before He and EJ both doubled over coughing up blood. You look up to see Slenderman staring at you. You stare defiantly into the empty face that was your new master. That is when your head exploded with static and among the static you hear two fateful words, 'Welcome, Child.' 

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