Chapter 15

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     You awake to the sound of someone or something walking around outside of your tent. You hear a distorted voice from somewhere to the left of your tent. "sHE Is dEfINeTly PaRt oF HiS teAm," the voice filled you with unreasonable fear. Then a deep earth-shattering voice came from the same being, "Rake, Is she turnable?" To which The Rake responded with, "I doNt ThINk sSsoOo." "Then you know what to do. She may be part of HIS team, but she hasn't earned HIS protection yet. I will be waiting. Don't disappoint me Rake." Once this voice had gone the terror has dissolved with it. Soon you hear the same movement that you heard earlier, louder this time. The creature called Rake drew closer to the tent and then stopped, probably listening. You sit silently in your sleeping bag, not daring to move, confidence completely gone. You were back to your normal awareness, so you couldn't tell what was going to happened. 

      The tent door slowly starts unzipping and you sit up as slowly as possible and stare directly at  at the small opening. You see a hunched figure beyond the door. A skinny gray claw reaches for the zipper and continues unzipping the tent door. Your senses are steadily increasing their intensity. Suddenly the hand rips the tent zipper and the figure launches itself on top of you. Knocking you to the ground and digging its claws into your chest as easily as a knife cuts through soft butter. Blood pools to the ground around you as you look up at the figure on top of you. You never felt pain as the figure disappears and Jeff runs into your tent, followed by Toby. Jeff drops to his knees by your body and try's to patch you up. Through your blurring vision you see Jeff's tears beginning to fall rapidly. "(Y/n) no. NO. NO NO NO!! Please NO! (y/n) no n-no... n....," Your eyelids become heavy and you have no choice but to let them slide closed.  

      Your whole body feels heavy and you feel a release of sorts as your body is dropped into a floating sensation you can't control. You open your eyes and see nothing around you but as you continue floating you begin seeing bodies floating around you. Most of their bodies had their intestines floating around them. It was sort-of beautiful in a twisted way. It was like they were placed there with intention. You couldn't tell if the bodies were moving up or if your moving down, in this endless abyss you couldn't tell. The feeling that this place went on forever was calming and you soon drifted to sleep among all the bodies without a thought of what had happened to get you here. 

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