Chapter 14

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     Once you finish setting up the tents with Jeff, and Toby had returned, the boys went into their tents and you were left outside with the firewood and some matches. You set about trying to light the fire with just the matches. You weren't having much luck and you were so concentrated on the frustration the unlightable fire was causing, that you didn't hear toby come out of his tent and walk up behind you. He snapped you out of your concentration by saying, "n-need some help?" You jump up and are immediately tense but you relax when you see its just Toby. "No, thanks," you say before crouching to continue lighting the fire. He smirks, "D-do you want t-to have a f-fire," he says pulling a flask from his belt. You look at him and finally say "Ok you win, yes I want a fire." He grins and opens the flask, the smell of gasoline reaches you and you move a bit closer to Toby as he pours a small amount of gasoline on the lower logs. He offers you a dry match and you strike it, dropping it onto the gasoline, lighting the fire immediately. As the fumes burn Toby says, "Now t-thats how you st-start fires! Just a b-bit of gasoline a-and a match." 

     You and Toby sit down and watch the fire burn. You remember your house and feel sad at first but then you realize that it was for the best. Your mom would've just beat you if you had gone back anyway. You chuckle to yourself, thinking of how painful it would be to burn, then you think of Jeff and laugh a bit more, shaking your head. "What's so funny," you hear the growl of Jeff's voice and feel the warm breath on your ear. You sit up straight, "Nothing!" You blush at the closeness of Jeff. He sits next to you and brushes the hair off of your neck and smirks at how tense you are. He strokes your collarbone before chuckling to himself and looking into the flames. 

     You look away from him and at Toby, who is enjoying a sandwich. "Where did you get that?" you ask him suspiciously. He swallows before saying "S-sorry, I forgot, I h-have them here." He tosses you two sandwiches and you give one to Jeff. "Thanks Toby!" you say, tearing into your sandwich. "N-no p-problem," he says. Jeff just looks at you in a way that gave you the same nervous feeling as earlier. Once you finished your sandwich, you stood up and yawned. "I think I'm going to bed," you announce to nobody in particular. "Goodnight (y-y/n)" Toby says with a smile. "sleep well," says Jeff with a smile that sent nervous shivers down your spine. Jeff looks you up and down, focusing on your chest for just a moment before you turn around and hurry to your tent. 

     You find a sleeping bag and unroll it. In it was a note that said 'He Comes'. The note gave you a disturbed feeling in your gut, but you ignore it and put the note under a hoodie. 'Its probably nothing,' you think to yourself before falling asleep. 

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