Chapter 4

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      You reach the warehouse in a desperate state. While Jeff didn't seem to follow you, you have the horrible feeling of being watched. As your hand closes on the handle of the door of the warehouse, you notice a symbol carved into the door that you had never noticed before. It looked like an X carved through a circle. As your eyes locked on this symbol you felt an overwhelming wave of nausea crash over you. Holding your stomach you yanked the door handle. It came off into your hand. Sighing, you kicked the door in. You needed to get to your hiding spot. 

     You had never been here in the dark before so every small shadow seemed like something bigger than it was, but even so you kept feeling like you saw something out of the corner of your eye. Just a small flash of yellow and sometimes tan.  As you reach your hiding spot, the feeling of being watched increases, now to the point of you panicking, and then ceases all together.  You climb into the boiler, that has served as your hiding spot since you had moved to this new house.

      You hear two voices just beyond the door to the boiler room. "I lost her," said one with a frighteningly monotone voice. "DAMMIT HOODIE," said a second, much rougher voice. "Sorry Masky, she was too fast, and she seemed to know this warehouse much better than us." There was a long silence, then, "Hoodie you failed a mission for us. You know what is going to happen." The fear from the one called Hoodie was nearly tangible. You heard footsteps heading away from the boiler, and you let out a long breath of relief. "GOT YA!" The one called Masky ripped open the door to the boiler and grabbed you by your neck. He lifted you out and threw you to the floor, your head cracked against the concrete and your vision went blurry. 

     As if from through a long tunnel you heard a familiar scream and as you screamed, your mouth filled with hot, wet, blood, until you couldn't scream any longer. You fell still. "She's as good as dead," said Masky as he left. Slamming the door behind him.  You realized that they had been watching you suffer with no intention ending your suffering. Something about this rubbed you the wrong way and you struggled to roll over onto your stomach. You pushed yourself up onto your elbows and threw up blood.   Blood still dripping out of your mouth, you managed to push yourself up onto your knees and open your eyes. You saw you were in the same room as you were before. That was a relief, at least you hadn't blacked out and been dragged somewhere else.  As you shakily get to your feet you realize that if you were attacked now you would be as helpless as a newborn deer thrown to the wolves. You would be easily slaughtered. You will your legs to move you across the room and you fall into the door. 

      Your hands move to the doorknob and you turn it. It turned but not all the way, as if someone was holding it from the other end. You hear insane laughter that feels you with an immediate feeling of dread as the doorknob turns all the way as if of its own free will. You move out of the way of the door and begin moving towards the back of the room, when the door bangs open and in comes Jeff, fresh blood on his hooded sweatshirt.

    PastaWolf-- I know that Masky and Hoodie aren't creepypastas but i wanted to include them because I consider them part of the pasta family--PastaWolf

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