Chapter 19

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 "Turn around or my friend here will blow your brains out," a rough voice says in a way that implies no kidding. You sigh and Liu says, "thanks a lot Sully," as you both turn around and feel the hunter become the hunted. Hoodie was pointing the gun directly at Liu's head and Mask was holding a knife in your general direction. "Thats it, now, Who the hell are you," Masky says. "Liu," says Sully. You remember before in the warehouse and how powerful these two were then before saying quietly, "(y/n)" Hoodie's gun fell a bit and they both looked skeptical. "Liu, Liu Woods?" Masky says quizzically. Liu nods and is visibly struggling to keep Sully in check. "And (Y/n)? Both of you are supposed to be dead," Masky shakes his head and Hoodie holds the gun tighter. Liu stays silent and you think of Jeff, both of you were in so much trouble. 

     "Come on," Masky says, gesturing for the two of you to follow him. You both silently oblige and hoodie follows with the gun. You enter the mansion through a side door and Masky leads you to the basement. You pass Jeff's room and a few unwanted tears slide though your eyelids. You pass a few more rooms before Masky stops and opens a door, pushing Liu through the door and saying, "slender will talk with you in a bit," before slamming the door shut and taking you to the next door. Hoodie pushes you through that door and says, "same for you," before closing out the light. 

     You sit in almost absolute silence, the only sound being your occasional sobs. You would've never gotten into this situation if it hadn't been for that stupid, beautiful killer.  And now you missed him.... Why?! Why did you miss a killer?! Your stomach twists as you think of him crying over your dead body. You feel bad for him. You feel bad for Liu. You feel bad for everyone except Zalgo. Zalgo caused this all. If it hadn't been for Zalgo, you would still be alive right now. Were you alive? You felt different.  You suppose that you are alive. Static fills your head and hurts you more than it should've. You collapse and try to steady your thoughts. Slender appears over your body and lifts your chin with his tentacle. 'It really is you, Child,' slender says as he drops your head and you try to push yourself onto your knees. 'I suppose this is my fault, I didn't give you my protection, I wanted to test you first,' slender says as if you weren't there, 'I should've known that Zalgo would've taken his chance.' You manage to shakily get to your feet. 

     'His proxies can still find you, unless you accept proxy-hood to me, you are going to be killed,' Slender says this with such authority that you immediately accept. "I accept," you say and Slender holds his hand out to you and you shake it.  When you pull your hand away, the symbol of the proxies was burned into your flesh. 'You and Liu are both smart,' Slender says, ' the door's unlocked, child,' then he disappears. 

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