Evanescent | I bet my life

793 21 13


Now, I normally don't put A/Ns at the start of chapters, but I feel like I should give you a little warning.

I'm going on a little one-shot spree, so...

Brace yourselves.

These aren't canon, but...

There's going to be a lot of angst.

Good fucking luck~


I know I took the path that you would never want for me

Polaris' mouth was wide open as she watched the scene before her. Wind blew her hair back as tears fell down her cheeks and she raised her hand to cover her mouth. She'd known that someone was feeding the villains information about her and had considered the possibility of a traitor - but never in her life would she have guessed it would be him that betrayed her trust.

I know I let you down, didn't I?

The blue haired boy stood just twenty feet from her, head tilted down. Water flowed around her feet, keeping her in place, while the villains laughed at her shock. Esper looked up at her, a grin on his face as her cloak was blown in every direction by the wind.


So many sleepless nights where you were waiting up on me
Well I'm just a slave unto the night

A laugh left Esper's throat and he threw his head back, shaking.

"You fell for my act so easily..."

He looked at Polaris with a cold look in his eyes. "A young boy, so helpless in a tough situation..."

"You just had to come running, didn't you?"

Now remember when I told you that's the last you'll see of me

"You- You were hurt-!"

"A few bruises and a minor cut!"



Remember when I broke you down to tears

Esper held his arm in-front of him and the water surrounding Polaris' legs travelled up her body. The teenager reacted quickly and lifted one of her arms up, chucking a piece of paper she'd been holding in his direction. It hit Esper on the head and broke his concentration long enough for the water to drop to the floor and flow back to the river it came from.

I know I took the path that you would never want for me
I gave you hell through all the years

An explosion rung out a couple of blocks to their left, as the fight between All Might and All For One carried on. Polaris' eyes darted the direction of the noise, an action that did not go unnoticed by Esper.

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