Chapter 7

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Polaris had gone to the shop to grab food as there was a grand total of none at home. She had to go pretty far out as the shops near them were closed for renovation. Odd, seeing as they all closed down at the same time, but what could she do?

Esper had gone out with some friends, so she just had to be home by four and it was currently lunchtime, so she was fine for time. Polaris walked into a shop and was immediately almost run over with a shopping trolley by four teens her age.

"Holy fuCK-!"

She jumped out of the way just in time and grabbed onto the back of the trolley, stopping the teens before they drove into the wall.

"Woah, are you guys okay?"

The teens got out of the trolley and stood in front of her, smiling. There were three boys and one girl, the girl having pink hair and skin as well as horns. One of the boys had red hair and sharp teeth, one vaguely resembled Pikachu and the last had black hair and odd-looking elbows. Polaris could've sworn she recognised them from somewhere, but her facial recognition was absolute shit, so she wasn't sure.


"Yeah, sorry."

"That was pretty manly of you! Stopping us I mean."

"Saved by a cutie, what could be better?"

Polaris stared at the boy who spoke last, Pikachu, with a perfect poker face before speaking.

"What the fuck?"

The pink girl smacked the back of his head, glaring at him. "What have we told you about flirting with girls you just met?"

"Not to do it..."

"And what did you just do?"

"Flirted with a girl I just met..."

A smirk wormed its way onto Polaris' face as she watched the interaction, much to the redhead's delight.

"Well, uh, I'm Kirishima Eijirou, the blonde is Kaminari Denki, the other boy is Sero Hanta and the girl is-"

"Ashido Mina."

'Bro, are you fucking with me? It's them.'

The quartet tensed up, understandably, seeing as they'd had a villain attack pretty recently and some random stranger somehow knew one of their names.

"How did you know that?"

Polaris sighed, there was a fifty/fifty chance they'd believe her, so she'd take a chance.

"Hi, my name's Polaris, but you might know me as 'polarspy'."

Silence fell over the group as the four teens stared at her in disbelief.


"For real?"

"Holy fuck!"


Mina ran up to her and hugged her tightly. Polaris laughed and hugged her back before Mina pulled away and had a serious look on her face.

"Chris is that weed?"

"No, it's a crayon."

A wild smile spread across the pinkette's face when Polaris answered. "I'm calling the police!"

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Oh my god it really is her!"

The three boys joined Mina's hugging spree and Polaris was soon crushed by all the hugging.

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