chapter 1-Hell

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Hey guys, its Crystal ♡ I hope you like this story, don't forget to follow, comment and vote for me!:)

And please don't copy my story in any way, I swear I will come after you with a chainsaw. (I'm a nice person, I swear ):D

If you have any covers for my book or anything, just dm me:)

Enjoy this story! ♡


It went easier than I expected. All I had to do was swallow those pills. I remember fumbling with the bottle and taking a large gulp of water. Then the darkness took over and a last thought filled my mind, "I'm finally going to be happy. "



I woke up to the sound of incessant beeping but strangely i couldn't move at all. I blinked my eyes a few times before everything came into focus and reality sunk in. Flashbacks of everything i did sunk in and i started to panic.

Everything happened so fast , the beeping increased , i struggled against the restraints holding me to the bed and nurses rushed into the room. Before i knew it i felt a sharp sting and i was drifting away once again.

"I'm sorry about what happened just now, but you were having a panic attack and we had to give you a sedative to calm you down."

I was seated upright on my hospital bed and seated across me was a middle-aged doctor who looked friendly and warm. But i knew better , adults were not to be trusted. The doctor, who introduced himself as Doctor Marlene told me where i was and why i was here and occasionally fired questions, trying to get me to talk to him .

"Your mother was the one who found you and she sent you here, to the state hospital. However she had to rush back to work and she told me to inform you. "

I remained quiet and thoughts buzzed throughout my head .Why didn't she leave me to die? Eventually he gave up and told me to get some rest before he walked out the door.

The walls of the ward I was in were painted yellow, to make us happier. But all it did was make me sick to my stomach. I needed to leave this place or I was going to burst.

I wasn't supposed to leave the bed but I needed to get out.

I was so caught up with sneaking past the Patrolling nurses that I bumped hard into someone. And damn did it hurt.

"Are you okay? I'm so sorry, it was totally my fault I mean I was the one who was just...are you alright? "

He held me by the shoulders and peered into my eyes. I knew it was random but I was just thinking about how his brown eyes made me think of chocolate cake.

"Mm...yeah I am thanks."

His warm gaze made me really uncomfortable for some reason and i walked away.


It was the second day here and i felt like i was dying, over and over again. According to the doctor i had to stay here for a week before i could get released.

There was absolutely nothing to do , other than drowning in my own thoughts , there was nothing else to do . I wasn't allowed near anything sharp or small and that meant phones and books were out . The nurses were also watching me closer because i tried to escape yesterday. Life was hell here.

"You have a visitor." The nurse said.

I was surprised, who would visit me ? My friends didn't know i was here , my parents couldn't care less.

It was the boy with the chocolate cake eyes. Looking at him made it hard for me to breathe and i grew more nervous as he walked closer to me.

"Hey! I was just visiting my brother and i recognized you so i decided to visit. "

i couldn't keep my eyes off him. He was breathtakingly beautiful , his messy brown hair looked perfect and today his eyes looked more gold than brown.

"I'm Jasper. You?"

"Camilla." I mumbled , still wondering why he would bother visiting me .

"So, i figured you would be bored sitting here alone, so i bought some books to read to you." He smiled , his cheeks dimpling as he reached into his bag and pulled out a book.

The Story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears?

I couldn't help but smile a little. I never thought a guy like him would read fairytales.

"You know, you look really pretty when you smile. You should smile more often."

I couldn't help but blush, I wasn't used to receiving compliments.

Jasper then cleared his throat and began, "Once upon a time , there was a girl named Goldilocks..."

His voice was warm , like liquid honey and i closed my eyes and let his voice drift over me.


Hey guys! What did you think of this first chapter?:) This is my first Wattpad story and if you have any questions or anything, just leave a comment. I hope you liked the first chapter, if this chapter was abit awkward, i swear it will get better !:)

I will be updating once a week or maybe twice a week , depending on my schedule .I will see you guys then ily:)

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