Chapter 5- The secret cabin

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I couldn't help glancing at him as he drove, looking at how the sunlight made his hair look gold.

"We shouldn't be doing this, I mean we would get in trouble for skipping school. "

"Its okay, one day of missing school won't kill you." Jasper said and his dimples showed, making his grin incredibly hot.

Well I really didn't mind being in the car with him, infact I really liked it for some reason. I just felt so comfortable around him and I felt lighter and so much happier, something I haven't felt in a long time.

The car slowly came to a stop beside a forest that i had never seen before despite having lived here for my entire life.

Jasper turned the key and the engine shuddered to a stop.

"She's old but still works perfectly." His voice held a tinge of pride as he patted the dashboard of his car. Jasper than passed me a sweater and we got out of his car.

"We are just going to do about five minutes of hiking before we reach the place i want to show you, so just put the sweater on because you might get cold." Jasper smiled at me and i started getting a little suspicious.

Who's sweater was this? Where was he even bringing me? What if he turned out ot be a serial killer or something?

I mean i knew him but i didn't know much about his history or about his family.

He seemed to sense my hesitation to follow him and he chuckled.

"I promise i'm not going to eat you and cook you for dinner okay?"

I nodded and followed him into the forest, Jasper seemed to be an expert of walking through forests. He led me as he weaved through the forest, navigating higher and higher. He never lost his direction and seemed so sure of where to go. The deeper we walked into the forest, the colder it became and i tugged the jacket closer to my body.

I was curious about where he was bringing me but i couldn't bring myself to talk to him. He just saw a part of me that no one saw.

I used to be the girl who was always happy, that track athlete, that popular, rich and friendly girl but now I was nothing.


"Well, here we are! " Jasper came to a stop in front of an wooden cabin and unlocked the door.

I looked at the doorway hesitantly. My brother always warned my about going in to an unknown, deserted place with a guy.

'Trust me, i'm not going to kill you or anything. "

Well, if he tried to kill me, I had a switch blade in my bag.

Don't judge me, i'm a really paranoid person.

I walked in and it was really dark as the trees outside shaded the windows from the clouded sky.

Then Jasper flipped on the light switch.

"Oh my fuck, what is this place?"The words just popped out from my mouth.

"You... you don't like it ?" Jasper looked uncertain and his tone conveyed a little disappointment.

Almost immediately, I regretted my choice of words.

"No I didn't mean it in a bad way. I mean this place, this cabin is practically perfect. I could live here my entire life and not be bored of it. It's just so comfortable and warm!"

"Oh, it's warm because I just lit a fire in the fire place."

I raised my eyebrows at his reply.

"Yeah I know what you mean. This was my grandfather's cabin, but then he died and its mine now. "

"Oh.. I'm sorry for your loss." I was never good at consoling people in any situation.

"Well, i wasn't close to him anyway. I just like coming here whenever i'm upset or anything. " Jasper said, just a little bit too brightly.

That made me really curious but I decided not to ask him. Jasper probably wouldn't tell me, I mean we were just normal friends.

He headed to the kitchen to grab a drink while I explored the cabin. It was really beautiful and rustic, everything thing about the house screamed WARM and FRIENDLY and it was the complete opposite of my house.

"Cam, apple juice or beer? " Jasper's voice echoed from the kitchen.

Cam? Well that was a new nickname but I liked it.

"Apple juice." I shouted back as I continued exploring the cabin. The house was spacious, there was even a piano inside. I ran my fingers gently over the keys and that was when I spotted something. The ceiling had a hook on it.

A latch? What the fuck was a latch doing on a ceiling?

The ceiling on this side was lower and if I jumped just a little, maybe I could reach for it .

"Cam? Camilla? What are you doing there? Come over here. " He walked towards me and, his bands holding two cups.

"Oh okay, but what's that? "I pointed up wards and noticed how Jasper suddenly looked really nervous.

"Nothing really, lets go to the fireplace and relax. " He slightly nudged me and I relented.

I was still really curious about it but I wasn't going to push it and make him tell me. I mean it was his cabin, I didn't want him to kick me out because I was too curious or something.


I sunk down onto the couch and took the cup of apple juice from Jasper. The fireplace infront of us crackled slightly and I felt so relaxed.

"So, do you want to tell me what really happened? " Jasper spoke.

"What do you mean? "

"Well, why did Michelle call you a slut and why werd there rumours about some kind if rehab ?"

There was a slight sinking feeling in my chest as I looked at his face. His gorgeous features. I couldn't bring myself to tell him yet, but I was sure when I did, he would be leave me.
Hey guys! The next chapter is confession time for Jasper, so keep reading!: )

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, don't forget to vote, like and comment on this chapter!: )

See yall in the next chapter:)


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