Chapter 12- The latch on the ceiling part 2

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"Are you serious about killing them? What happened between you and them which made you so...I don't understand. Have you been stalking them ? "

I never pegged Jasper for the kind who took drugs but I had to wonder if he was high.

Jasper looked at me and took a step closer, " These guys were the ones who did things to my sister, not only that, notice how I never mentioned my parents? You know the Butler company? "

The butler company was a worldwide corporation which as the name implied, supplied butlers. These butlers were well trained and could probably whip up a buffet for you if you asked, which was probably why they were so popular and why the company was so profitable.

Another reason why I knew him was because my dad was good friends with Mr Butler. My father was the boss of a huge oil company and during a conference, they met and became fast friends. My dad also previously invited him to our house for dinner. Mr Butler was cold and rich like my father which was probably why they were such good friends.

What had the Butler company got to do with Jasper though?

"I know them, they are a family friend but what has he got to do with you? " I was so confused.

Jasper led me and we sat on a large bean bag infront of the glass cabinet and I couldn't resist sneaking glances at it now and then.

"These four guys are in this together, but the ring leader, see that guy with blonde hair? " Jasper pointed to the picture of an arrogant looking guy with blonde hair.

I nodded and gestured for Jasper to continue.

"That's his son. My dad worked for the Butler company, he did the accounting, the financial planning and he observed the records and how much money was used for each thing. One day my father realized that millions of money had been going into the Butler's family account, so he questioned Mr Butler and he found out that Mr Butler, Sheldon Butler had been using the company's money for his own use for a long time. "

Jasper took a deep breath and continued, " My dad was threatened by Sheldon Butler and when I was five, I watched my father getting shot infront of me. He died instantly. "

"Wait he just got shot, out of no where? You didn't call the police or anything ?"

"I did, but the Butler company made a generous donation to the Police Station and without any reason, the case was dropped. I know for sure it was the Butler Company because just the day after my father was shot, they sent their condolences, in a box to my mom, with $20,000 cash and a card saying -Your husband's last pay. I can't let anything threaten the only family I have left. I have been tracking this company for awhile because they keep making the news. I have been checking on his friends too. I know I sound crazy but this is what I have to do. "

"Can't you just let it go? I mean how are you even going do it? "

"I don't know how but I have to. That blonde haired guy, his name is Wyatt Butler, ever since that happened, he has been taunting me and it only stopped when I moved here last year. He is the root of all the shit that has happened in my life."

"I thought you were just an athlete who happened to be smart and had a personality at the same time. "

"Aw thanks! I remember vaguely when I killed my neighbour's dog, it felt so good, it felt right. " Jasper continued randomly.

There was a mad glint in his eyes as he said it and I wondered if it was time to use the pepper spray I bought with me. Was he a psychopath? Or just a person seeking revenge? I didn't understand.

"Well, you can go now. I mean you probably want to run a thousand miles away now that you know how fucked up my life really is. How crazy I am." Jasper looked so calm as he said that, his brown eyes staring into mine, like he expected me to leave him.

That resigned expression just broke my heart and before I knew it I was hugging him.

His hands were limp and I thought he wouldn't hug back but to my surprise his long muscular arms wrapped around me.

"I will be here for you no matter what."

"I'm so happy that you accept me. I have never shown this part of me to anyone else, not even my brother, there's just something about you that makes me feel like I can trust you. " He whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

I felt my heart beat faster as he pulled away slowly from the hug, his arms still around me.

His golden brown eyes stared into mine and it made me burn up, I could literally feel myself blushing so much and the dinosaurs in my stomach were jumping around.

"You know what I always wanted to do when I saw you? " He raised his eyebrows.

"What, check out my ass? Oh wait you already did that ." My voice suddenly sounded so small and nervous.

"I wanted to do this. " Jasper said and leaned towards me, his arms tightening around my waist.

His moved closer to me and before I knew it, his lips landed on mine .

His soft, coffee flavoured lips.

He held me tight and I felt so safe in his arms.

The moment his lips touched mine, I felt so happy I thought I would burst. The dinosaurs in my stomach burst into fireworks and every part of my body was tingling.

Jasper let out a small moan and I pulled him closer to me, wrapping his fingers in his soft brown hair. I was almost out of breath when we pulled apart.

He leaned his forehead to mine and said breathlessly, "Shit Camilla, I don't even know what to say. That felt fucking amazing. "

I was so happy I couldn't even speak so I settled with a grin as I stared into his eyes. His voice was slightly hoarse and it was so fucking sexy.

"Being with you just makes me feel so... happy. I don't need to pretend to be that carefree jock like i do in school. With you, I can be my true self and I feel so relaxed. " Those words just made my heart burst and I felt warm all over.

Then he held my hand, his warm fingers wrapping around mine and he spoke, "Camilla West, will you be my girlfriend? "



Hey guys!:) Do you like the story so far?

JAMILLA KISSED! I'm so excited omg ;)

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My friend just told me my story ideas were weird but o hope you like it:) I will be starting a new story soon, hope you will like it ♡

I will post the next chapter the next week or if I have extra time this week I will post it:)


-hugs -

See you in the next chapter! ♥

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