Chapter 4 - Going back to school

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I settled with a random t-shirt matched with my favourite high-waisted denim shorts and a pair of black creepers .

The time was already 7.30 am and school started at 8 but I wasn't ready for school at all. My hair looked like i haven't brushed it in days and there were bags under my eyes.

I grabbed my bag and sighed.

I couldn't help but wish I was still in the hospital, where I didn't have to face reality and where Jasper was.

I missed him more than I thought I would have.


The moment I stepped on the steps of my school I could feel my pulse quickening.

The whispers around me seemed to increase in volume as I walked into the school. I could sense all the eyes on me and felt a panic attack rising.

"Was she in rehab or something? "

"Omg look at that slut who fucked Michelle's boyfriend! "

"Isn't that the track athlete?"

Their whispers buzzed around me like an electric field, i didn't know what i was doing here. Then a cool voice cut through all the whispers and made me look up.

"Well, look what the cat dragged in!" It was Michelle Winters and her look alikes all at her side. Upon hearing this, the whole hall burst into laughter and i felt my cheeks flushing.

"Why did you even come back slut? Danny's still traumatized because you forced him to have sex with you."

I couldn't take it anymore. "Just fuck off Michelle."

'Well excuse me for not taking orders from a whore, just to tell you the whole reason i even started being your friend was because you were rich and looked where that got me!"

My emotions built up within me and I couldn't take it anymore.

Every single one of her words stabbed me in the heart repeatedly and i willed myself not to cry.

I had to get out immediately, grabbing my bag which had fallen onto the floor earlier, I hastily walked off. I should never have came back, who was I kidding when I thought things would fix themselves?

"Wait, you dropped your book! " I heard a voice shout. I bet it was one of Michelle's bodyguards who was going to insult me again.

"Seriously? Just fuck off and leave me alone! " I spun around ready to give whoever that was the finger when my eyes came in contact with two golden brown ones.



His face showed an expression of shock and I bet my face was mirroring his too.

What in the name of santa was he doing here?

"Wait you go to school here? " Jasper was the one who spoke first.

"I.. yes I do. " I suddenly had a sinking feeling in by heart.

"How come I haven't seen you before ? Were you the track athlete know went off the wrong track? "

If I wasn't the person he was talking about, I might have laughed.

"You know what, Jasper fuck you. "

I had enough shit for one day. I huffed and stalked away. I knew coming back was a bad idea, why did I even try?

Then I felt something drip off my cheek and I realized I was crying. I mentally scolded myself, what was wrong with me? I knew I was weak but I didn't know I was that weak.

"Wait Camilla, i'm sorry, I didn't mean to say it like that!"

I didn't say anything and I walked faster, I couldn't let him see me cry.

Then a warm hand grabbed my wrist and pulled me to a stop.

"Camilla, i didn't mean it in a.. wait are you crying? Shit i'm so sorry."

I stared at him and the butterflies in my stomach gave a small flutter .

"I am just too sensitive I guess, it's okay. "

He used his thumb to wipe a tear off my cheek before stating, "Shit I made you cry, let me make it up for you. Let me show you a place. "

I barely had time to wipe my tears off before he took my hand and pulled me to his car.

I swear, on hogwarts that fireworks literally ignited in my heart. I started getting slightly breathless and I couldn't believe it.

His grip felt so warm, so comfortable.

I just felt like screaming JASPER IS HOLDING MY HAND.

But of course I couldn't, it wasn't like I liked him or he liked me.


Hey guys! What do you think of this chapter and the story so far?: )

I decided on "Jamilla " for the ship name:)

I will be updating next week or this week if I have time:)
Don't forget to vote, comment and follow me, Ily all :)

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