Chapter 2-Donuts and hugs

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The days passed quickly, with Jasper beside me. He visted everyday without fail and I honestly didn't know why he bothered.

Today was my last day here and Jaspar was here as usual.

"Well, how do you feel? I mean you will be going back to school and all . I bet you're going to miss me ."

He smiled cockily at me.

"Hm, Maybe, it depends. "

Jasper raised an eyebrow and looked at me disbelievingly.

"It depends?I bet you're going to miss the donuts I bring you too. "

On cue, my stomach rumbled. He laughed and held out the box of mini donuts he had been hiding behind his back.

At this moment, I didn't know which was more appealing, the donuts or his laugh.

I stared at him as I took a chocolate donut, his brown eyes lighting up as he spoke. The past week had been amazing, Jasper visted me everyday, bringing board games and sometimes donuts. I was going to miss him so much when i was released from this hell hole.

I was going to miss his donuts too.


"Camilla West?Are you ready to go ?"

I swept my hair back from my face and nodded. I was slightly nervous to be back to reality, where i had to live my life again, where i had to pretend i was fine again.

"Your chauffer is here to send you home, he is waiting at the drive through. "

I nodded and grabbed my duffel bag and headed to take the lift down.

The lift door barely opened when my eyes made contact with a pair of warm brown ones.

"Camilla! I thought I was going to miss saying goodbye before you left! "He then took my duffel bag from me and headed into the lift, me sheepishly following behind.

"You don't have to help me you know."I bit my lip as I looked at him. He was wearing a simple white T-shirt which showed off his awesome figure.

At this moment i couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to bite him.

Jasper noticed me staring and grinned cheekily.

"Take a picture, it lasts longer. "

"I'm not allowed to have a phone in my ward remember? "

"Geez, don't you know how to take a joke." Jasper pouted and his dimples showed.

"Sorry, I'm just a little nervous. "I fiddled with the zip on my jacket while the annoying lift music played on.

"Its going to be okay, trust me! "Jasper assured me then he did something that surprised me.

He held out his arms and hugged me. I was so shocked I just awkwardly stood still. What was i supposed to do when an exceptionally hot guy hugged me?

All I could think of was how warm he was and how he smelt faintly of donuts.

I felt safe, secure in his arms and i wanted him to never let go. Then the lift gave a loud ding and the doors slided open. I immediately let go of him like i had been burned, my heart was thumping so fast and i was 100% sure i was blushing. Jasper was just grinning like going around hugging people was a normal thing for him.

"Here, take this." He slid something into my hands and looked me in the eye. The moment his golden-brown eyes met my dull blue ones, i could feel my cheeks burning up again.

"Bye Camilla, see you soon, hopefully." Then he smiled and walked away hastily.

I stared at his retreating figure, what did he mean by hopefully?

I opened my hand and looked at the thing he slipped me. It was a hershey chocolate bar and written on the wrapper was his phone number.


"Welcome back Camilla!" The chauffeur greeted me as he took my duffel bag and put it in the trunk.

"Hey Miles." Miles was my chauffeur and we were actually quite close. He had been more a dad than my own father had been.

"Do you want to talk about anything? Do you know how worried i was, when i heard that.." Miles sighed as he looked at me.

I knew that he was worried about me, but I just wasn't ready to talk about it yet.


As the car drove into the place I was I was supposed to call home, my good mood began to fade.

This house held little good memories and I just remembered being lonely all the time.

The car screeched to a stop in front of the mansion.

"Are you going to be alright?" Miles held my duffel bag out to me and I walked up the steps to the front door. He had to drive my mom home as she wanted to have a family dinner with me and my dad.

"Yes I am, thanks for sending me home. And stop worrying, you're getting frown lines." I grinned and took my duffel bag from him as I knocked on the front door .

He chuckled as he went back into the car and drove off.

The door opened and the house cleaner greeted me " Welcome back Ms West. "

I greeted her back and made my way up the stairs to my room.


My room was probably the only thing in the whole mansion which looked different. Unlike the ice white colours of the rest of the mansion, my room was purple and the walls were covered with posters and pictures of me and my friends.

Right my "friends ".

I used to be a track athlete and I had a scholarship waiting for me. Then it happened and everything was gone .

Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I lit a candle and turned on my stereo. As Paramore started blasting, I took off my beanie and sunk on to my bed to take a short nap.

I hoped when I woke up, everything would magically become better.


Hey guys, Crystal here. I hope you liked this chapter Don't forget to comment and vote for me
What do you think of the story so far?

I will be updating maybe next week or this weel depending on my schedule, keep reading ily guys

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