Chapter 1: Another Defeat

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Sonic ran around inside of Eggman's lab fighting off every single robot that he sent after him within a few minutes the sight of how fast he damaged them badly sending rage inside of Eggman as he glared at the blue blur in frustration his mustache moving as the human bared his teeth before he glanced over at a button that glowed and the evil doctor pushed it right as Sonic was done defeating the robots while he looked up at Eggman his eyelids half-closed and his one brow raised as he gave his arch-nemesis a cocky confused look on his face curious at the smirk that Eggman was giving him.

"If you're just trying to intimidate me with that weird look on your face you can forget it, I ain't afraid of you since none of your robots can defeat me," Sonic said to Eggman.

"Oh-ho-ho, just you wait Sonic, this time you'll most definitely be defeated." Eggman chuckled. "Behold! My newly upgraded creation!" He shouted out doing a dramatic pose that most villains do.

The sound of a metallic door from behind Sonic could be heard as if on cue as the blue hedgehog turned his emerald green gaze to where there was a big dark and square gap at as metallic footsteps could be heard making Sonic's ear twitched a little at the sound trying to make out what size the robot could be before going into a battle stance with a smirk full confidence in him as he prepared for a fight expecting a tall robot to come out seeing as the doorway to wherever the room leads seemed big enough to hold something that was probably the size of a house. Whatever it was Sonic had enough confidence that he can handle it. Though to his surprise and disappointment, the robot Sonic was about to face turned out to be none other than Metal Sonic as the Badnik robot stood there his red robotic eyes locked on Sonic with his usual emotionless look on his face considering he has no mouth while Sonic frowned feeling disappointed but also a bit mad that his robot copy was repaired by Eggman. Again.

"Wow Eggmam, sending Metal Sonic to kill me again like that's going to work out very well for you," Sonic said as he turned around to Eggman full mockery on his face.

Though turning his back on Metal was a mistake, Metal Sonic immediately charged at the blue blur fire exploding from his back jet as he roughly punched Sonic on his right cheek sending the blue blur tumbling on the floor before he recovered fast and unfazed himself charging straight at Metal angry that his double dared to attack him from behind as the two were soon speeding around Eggman's lair running in and out of rooms at times sometimes together before things could be heard being knocked over and sometimes Sonic or Metal would go inside separate rooms by accident before they sped at each other both having the same determination to destroy each other and see who will win today's battle or who's better.

"Good he's distracted, now is to go for my original plan," Eggman said to himself before he turned around working as he had enough confidence that Metal will destroy Sonic this time.

Meanwhile behind him, it wasn't so peaceful, Metal Sonic and Sonic were still fighting each other as Sonic noticed what Eggman was doing and got ready to stop what he's doing until Metal's laser from his abdomen shot right past him almost hitting the blue hero as he had to throw himself to the floor to avoid getting disintegrated by the robot's deadly blast before Metal took that as his advantage and quickly pinned Sonic down on his back before the blue blur could stand up as Sonic was shocked from the impact at first before he began struggling glaring at his robotic double angrily longing badly to get Metal off himself and finish their battle once and for all and also to stop Eggman from what he was doing on the supercomputer.

'Struggle all you want Sonic, there is no way for you to escape this time.' A voice said in Sonic's head.

"Okay then random robotic voice in my head, like that's going to stop me," Sonic said out loud.

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