the secret of breaking up

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"Dahyun tell us how do you know Mark?" Mina asked. Dahyun took that as a token of curiosity.

"We just meet and we share our problems. Then, we just become close." Dahyun replied as simply as she could to not open up too much about their first meeting.

Mina nodded. "But, do you know Mark before he broke up or after he broke up?" She continued to ask still curious about Dahyun and Mark.

"He broke up? I didn't know anything about that." Dahyun replied honestly. She didn't remember Mark mentioning anything about his relationship.

"You don't know? I mean, Mark is not that popular for the whole school to talk about him. But, you're closer to him than us." Chaeyoung added. Dahyun looked down at her desk and stayed silent.


"Mark... How long does your relationship last?" Dahyun asked out of nowhere when she was out with Mark to get some ice cream.

Mark invited her to come and she couldn't say no. Even she didn't know why she can't decline any requests from Mark. Maybe because he is Mark.

"My relationship? The longest one was my recent relationship. We lasted for a year." He replied.

"Recent?" Dahyun asked curiously more than shocked.

"Yeah. Recent. We've broken up already. A few days ago." Mark said. He didn't care to tell Dahyun everything if she asks. Because he feels comfortable around Dahyun and that he has nothing to keep from her.

"Why though?" Dahyun asked while scooping her last bit of ice cream. Then she tossed the ice cream cup into the nearest bin. 

"She said that our relationship is not working out because we both were too busy with our life," Mark replied bluntly. Totally have no feeling talking about that.

Dahyun nodded. "How about you? Do you think what she said is true?" Dahyun kept asking.

"Maybe. I was wrong that I spent so much time in a cyber cafe. But don't you think that she was wrong too? Every time I called her, she was busy with her friends." Mark explained.

Dahyun pondered hard. She didn't understand why lovers didn't have time to spend together.

If you like each other, don't you focus on them more?

"Who is your previous girlfriend?" Dahyun asked when she has nothing to ask anymore. Because she just couldn't process everything.

"Momo. She is kind just like what people said and that's true. It's just that, I already know that we will break up one day. All my relationships ended like that. We are lucky that we lasted a year." Mark stated.

Dahyun nodded and Mark just smiled while finishing his ice cream.


Dahyun had to stay back after school because she was on duty that day. Actually, she is not on duty, it's her classmates but she asked Dahyun to take her place for today and she will take Dahyun's for other days.

Dahyun agreed since she didn't have anything to do anyway. She has to sweep the floor and clean the whiteboard. Then, she needed to bring a box of dictionaries back to the library.

She entered the library to find it was empty. "Why isn't it locked? Is anyone still here?" She talked to herself.

"Where do I put this anyway?" She asked still to herself.

Someone came out of a room in the library and she was shocked to see Dahyun in front of the counter. 

"Anything okay there?" She asked.

'Hirai Momo.' Dahyun read the name on the uniform.

"Where do I put this dictionary?" She asked directly. She wished that she could put that dictionary quickly and left the spot. She didn't want to encounter Mark's ex. She didn't know how to explain but she felt some sort of feeling. Is it...angry?

"Oh.. you're Dahyun right?" Momo asked. Dahyun gulped. 

"Yes, I am..." She slowly replied.

"Ahh... I see. Just put the box there." Momo said and Dahyun followed the command. Before she left, Momo called her. 

"Dahyun... Can we talk?" Momo asked.

Dahyun did not want to but something in her voice makes it hard for Dahyun to refuse. So they stayed in the library.

"How do you know Mark?" She asked straightforwardly. 

"We just met and talk... like that," Dahyun replied. 

"It's hard to open up with his ex?" Momo asked and laughed seeing Dahyun's panic reaction.

"It's not like that. I just... " Dahyun started babbling incoherent words.

"Mark is a nice person and handsome too," Momo said and chuckled a little. 

"So why do you guys break up?" Dahyun asked also being straightforward.

"Hmm? Maybe his feeling is not deep enough to make me drown in him." Momo replied.

'Not deep enough.' Dahyun thought.

"Guess your feeling is not deep enough too," Dahyun stated. Momo was shocked to hear that. 

"Ahh.. maybe that's true too... That's why that night, he just left." Momo replied silently.

Dahyun can tell by seeing Mark's condition yesterday.

He did not regret breaking up. Did he?

But deep down Dahyun knew. Mark was hurting as much as she was after being rejected by Youngjae. Because that night, she remembered the rain pouring so heavily. She knew Mark was crying in the rain.

"How deep is the feeling of falling in love?" Dahyun blurted out without her realizing that Momo was listening.

"You've never been in love, have you?" Momo asked. Dahyun just remained silent.

"Let's put it this way. Think that you're now in a relationship with Mark and suddenly out of nowhere, never did you think your crush suddenly come and told you he likes you. What would you do?" Momo asked. 

She examined Dahyun's face trying to find an answer in her.

But, she saw nothing.

She can't see through Dahyun like how Dahyun sees through everyone else.

Now Dahyun knew. Confusion doesn't exist for nothing.

That is the secret of breaking up.

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