8 seconds is all it takes

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"What a great story." 

Sana sighed as she closed the novel she was reading just now. 

"Hmm? What story is it?" Jungyeon asked as she took the novel from Sana. 

"A wonderful love story," Sana said as if she was the one in love. She clasped both her hands together.

"8 seconds." Jungyeon read the title. 

"I thought love is related to 8 letters. Why 8 seconds though?" Jungyeon asked being curious and anticipating the answer. There's a sign of interest in her tone.

"8 letters are to express love but 8 seconds is needed to fall in love," Sana said excitedly. 

"Oh, now I see," Jungyeon said finally getting the idea. 

"So tell me about the story..." Jungyeon said as she was too lazy to read about it, so she just asked Sana to retell the story. That was easier.

They were both so mesmerized by the story. It's like people can see the love popping out of their eyes. 

Typical girls and their romance imagination.


The bells rang. It was recess time. Dahyun and her two classmates walked to the cafeteria. They talked a lot except for Dahyun. She felt that it was more comfortable to just listen. When they arrived in the cafeteria, they picked up their platter and get their dish, and then sat at the empty table. 

They talked and talked and talked. Dahyun responded to them by nodding, smiling, and soft chuckling from time to time. She is trying to open up again.

Suddenly, a big figure stopped by their table. Sensing the presence of someone, they all look up at the same time.

"May I talk to Dahyun?" Mark said. Dahyun's classmates were excited beyond shocked. They nodded their heads eagerly. Dahyun stood up to follow Mark but her friends held on to her hand. She looked at the two. 

"You can just talk here, right? Unless... there is something intimate between you guys..." Chaeyoung -- twirling her hair strands -- said. Her other friend, Mina nodded so eagerly. It's clear on their faces that they wanted Mark to stay with them. They are like plastic, it is easy to see through them.

Dahyun looked at Mark and Mark just shrugged it away. He took a seat next to Dahyun. 

"So, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Dahyun asked in a low voice. 

"I just wanted to eat with you. I have no one to eat with," Mark whispered. 

"Then you can just join us if you don't mind," Dahyun replied. 

"I'm fine with it." He replied immediately with a cheeky smile.

'How cute...' Dahyun thought. A warm blush crept up to her cheeks. 

Her eyes are still on Mark and Mark's too. 

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8

The sound of someone clearing her throat brought both Dahyun and Mark back to reality.

Both are red, as red as a tomato. What a cutie cupcake.

"We've got 7 minutes before recess ends~" Chaeyoung sang. Dahyun and Mark rushed to finish their food.


Each of them had gone back to their class.

"You know what Dahyun, I envy you." Mina's honest comment as they entered the class but Dahyun knew she means no harm.

"Hell yes! I know Mark is nothing like Jinyoung. He is not that popular and high class like prince Jinyoung. But hey, it is worth it to get to sit at the same table as him. You are lucky to get to be close to him." Chaeyoung interrupted.

Dahyun just smiled. "He has a great appearance," Mina said. 

"He is handsome though," Chaeyoung added. Dahyun sat down on her seat. 

"And you just break the rules of 8 seconds."

"Rules of 8 seconds? What about that?"Dahyun asked. Totally had no idea about that.

"That's how people fall in love. Staring right into each other's eyes in 8 seconds." Chaeyoung replied. Dahyun remained silent.

'Have I fallen for him?' She asked her heart.

Maybe... because 8 seconds is all it takes.

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