Chapter 312: The Ghosts, Part 1-2&3

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The woman on the stage opened her veil slowly, showing her face and it made the people around gasp in surprise.

The woman was beautiful and it was a face that they would never forget...

Not only because of its beauty, but also due to the scandal that had happened a long time ago.

People used to feel curious about what kind of beauty could make the current Han Emperor so besotted ah~!

Thus, they kept trying to see the Ce Fei but failed.

Until one day, the Han Emperor brought her to a banquet once.

They knew that he just wanted to boast about the Ce Fei but they really couldn't forget her beauty and she was even far more beautiful and elegant than his current favorite concubine.

No wonder the Han Emperor really treasured her back then.

Besides, no one would ever forget a woman who chose to abandon a wealthy life as a Ce Fei and run away.

No one knew the real reasons why she had run away, but they had made a guess... probably because she found a new man that she loved wholeheartedly.

Otherwise, there was no possible explanation.

They knew how the Ce Fei didn't love the Han Emperor at that time and that was the reason why they were sure that the Ce Fei had a new love, but they didn't dare to say it out loud.

The older officials knew who that face belonged to and they were trembling in fear ah~! How could she appear here out of nowhere?

There had been no news about her for so long... Was... was she dead? But... But why did her ghost appear here?

No real human would be able to stay as young as the ghost ah~!

"Ce... Ce Fei?" One of the older officials asked loudly while looking at the ghost with white eyes.

The ghost looked at the official who had just talk with wide eyes.

The color of the skin that was surrounding her eyes were red and it looked so scary, making the older official regret his rashness to talk.

He really wanted to slap his mouth because he made the ghost pay attention to him.

What if she took him to the afterlife ah~?!

The ghost talked in a soft and broken voice which made their goosebumps appear once more.

"You... you... know me?" She glared at him with a venomous look, like she was ready to devour him any time soon which made the old man almost peed his pants in fear.

He wanted to run but her intense gaze made him root on the spot --- he couldn't go anywhere.

No, not couldn't, but he didn't dare to.

The older official could only close his eyes and didn't dare to do anything at all.

All of them had already believed that this woman was indeed a ghost. A ghost who seemed to come with a purpose.

Did... Did the Han Emperor do something to her?

After that, the audiences' gazes turned to the Han Emperor at the same time --- they wanted to see the latter's expression.

The Han Emperor couldn't take his eyes away from the ghost's face.

They could see a lot of feelings from the Han Emperor's expression --- fear, trepidation, yearn, love, and miss all at once.

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