Chapter One: Brother Pumkin

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“Get up sleepy head!” my brother bellowed from the kitchen. “If you don’t get up soon you will be late for school.” Unfortunately I knew he was right. I dragged my sorry excuse for a body out of bed and slumped over to my wardrobe.

Reluctantly I drew out my school uniform, and started pulling on the dark grey knee high skirt and buttoned up the again dark grey short sleeved blouse with a crimson tie. I then plodded over to the bathroom and ran a comb through my long dark hair before tying it into a sloppy pony tail.

I walked miserly into the kitchen and put some bread in toaster then waited for it to ...well toast.

“Look who came back from the dead,” my brother, Jordon, teased from the other side of the kitchen, his wet dark hazel curls dripping with water off his hair.   

“It was as if you were a vampire taking a snooze in your coffin,” he tautened again. I was too tired to reply or take any interest in his attempts to aggravate me, so I just rolled my eyes at him.

“So are you gonna see your boyfriend at school today?”Jordan tormented, a grin spreading across his face.

He had done it this time, I blushed violently, but before I could react further Jordan was suddenly belted across the head by a rolled up newspaper. His eyes were wide with shock and so were mine. I turned to see who had done this generous gesture and it was my father.

“No one likes a tease Jordan,” my father said with a smirk. He’s always there to save me from Jordan and from another guy that tries to mess with me.

“And who’s this boyfriend Scarlet?” he said curiosity and irritation swirling through my father’s hazel eyes.

“He’s agloomy, notorious guy from school that she always gazes at,” Jordan exclaimed, obviously trying to suck up to get back on his good side.

I glared at him, but he just grinned back as if he knew what was coming next. However I knew what was coming next too with or without his help.

“Dad I swear on mother’s grave that I do not have a boyfriend, not even a boy that’s a friend!” I grovelled, trying my best to sound convincing and innocent at the same time.

He seemed to ponder what was said for a while; examining me to think up questions and see for a reaction to get the truth like lawyers usually do, but instead he just ran his hand through his thick brown hair and sighed.

“I’m sorry Scar,” he said eventually, then pulling me in for a hug. “I just don’t ever want to lose you, especially to some boy.”

I laughed at his remark; he never made anything depressing that was Jordan’s job.

“Well I guess you two should get going to school then,” he said, with a bit of amusement in his tone. “Don’t drive into a giant pumpkin again Jordan,” Dad chuckled, after grabbing his keys and walking out the door.

“That was only a onetime thing!” Jordan exclaimed. “It could happen to anyone.”

“Anyone dumb enough not to see a giant pumpkin at two kilometres an hour, yes it can,” Dad teased from his car, he then drove away.

“So are we going to school pumpkin man?” I taunted, taking in the annoyed expression on his face.

“It was a mishap ok!” Jordan exclaimed, annoyance tingeing at his voice. “I was distracted by a girl walking past,” his checks suddenly turned a vibrant pink.

“Oh…you’re such a perve Jordan,” I said, rolling my eyes at him.

“I am not,” Jordon muttered. “She was very attractive.”

“Great to know,” I said, trying to change the subject. “SO are we gonna get to school any day soon?”

“Oh, yea we should get going shouldn’t we,” Jordan said, while scooping up the keys for his Ute. “Come on Sloth.”

“Coming, asshole,” I mumbled, then grabbed my bag and trudged over to the Ute. It’s a black, Holden Ute with GPS, climate control and all the other modern features that vehicles don’t really need. I heaved myself into the vehicle and slammed the door closed to show him my annoyance. He didn’t seem to notice though and started up the Ute and backed out of the driveway.

“Shit!” Jordan hissed when we reached the road. “I forgot my assignment.”

“Well hurry up and get it then!” I exclaimed with irritation. And moments later he was dashing up the driveway and clambering through the front door.

I swear I sat in the Ute waiting for ten minutes before he finally came bounding back. “Did you get it?” I asked when he got back in the Ute.

“Well no,” he said sheepishly. “Cause I did remember to pack it in my bag.” “I didn’t realize I had till I couldn’t find it in my room.”

I sat in my seat motionless, trying my best to resist the urge to slap him across the face. “Can we just go,” I replied through gritted teeth.

He seemed to get the message that I had had enough of his rubbish for the time being, for the reason that after I spoke he fell silent and finally started driving towards school.

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