Chapter Eighteen: Leash and Wings Needed

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A Kruger claw gripped into my left arm. No sorry, my now sliced cheese arm. I screwed my face up, biting hard onto my lip, as it made me fall down onto my knees, making this not only painful, but awkward in the sense that this could easily be mistaken by a passer-by as a proposal. A bloody and tearful one.

From what I could see through my tears, it’s fire truck eyes weren’t far from my watery eyes, its serrated teeth just underneath. This didn’t feel like a warning, it was more the end punishment. I was gonna die this time, no doubt about it. It was too ironic to think that my ending point would be caused from boredom, though if I hadn’t felt that way I wouldn’t be here in the first place…If anything this has taught me, boredom is a killer, don’t ever underestimate it.

GodKruger opened its jaws, letting a stench of who knows, sting my fast breathing lungs. “Don’t you think you made the wrong choice in saying I’m ugly?”

My lip quivered. “No, I made the wrong choice in choosing this alley, one with quick corrosive acid would have been better, and less painful for my EYES!” I didn’t mean to, but I made myself spit that last part of my death speech.

It cocked its head back and widened its death-trap of a mouth, while I on the other hand, tensed every part of my body, hoping it would make this approaching agony easier. But something disturbed its concentration. A shriek. My eyelids flickered; I swear I hadn’t cried in pain yet? Maybe I did because I’m already dead and I just don’t know it yet.

Then catching sight of a new shadow behind Godkruger, holding the motionless serpent thug up in the air, I realised I hadn’t shrieked, and there was also the possibility that I was still alive.

This shadow was tall, hunched over in what seemed to be a cloak. My breathing slowed, and I could see it fog out of my dry mouth. The alleyway was snap chilled.

The shadow without a care in the world chucked the dead lizard behind its shoulder. “Is there life after death? If you don’t let go of her you can find out.” Spoke its calmly alarming voice as it hovered closer.

Godkruger hesitated, slackening its grip ever so slightly and began to tremor. It knew something I didn’t about the floating shadow, or reptiles have evolved here to shake when they get cold.

When the hovering shadow got within breathing distance of Godkruger, it bolted, immediately letting go of my finely chopped limb and disappeared out of anyone’s sight. Leaving me to shudder in the presents of this new fiend. I’m not sure if it was out of fear or the butt-numbing cold, but I was uncontrollably vibrating. I hoped it didn’t think I was horny or anything in that area. I would much rather be in the life after death than being falsely accused of being turned on.

“Do you wish to die or are you just trying to test my patience?” the cloaked shadow touched down onto the ground, just close enough to smell my sweat beading off my forehead. I wasn’t sure why he or though I doubt it she, would care if I die. That was until I noticed its bone white hand, literally, it was bone.

I gulped and responded with the scarcest nod I could force. It’s not every day when you’re facing death and he tells you not to perish. He knelt down on one knee and ran his icy bony fingers up my wound. It began to burn, my flesh sizzling as I recoiled, letting the rest of my body gradually drop onto the frozen ground.  

“I’m sorry! It’s not that you don’t turn me on or anything, but I know you have a girlfriend and I-”

He removed his hand. “What are you talking about? I was just healing the arm you managed to get destroyed.”

I gaped at my now perfectly rehabilitated limb. “Oh I thought…you were…punishing me, cause you…um…read my thoughts before…”

He went back to his feet, which looked incredible unnatural from my view, just the way how everything else was completely unmoving while his leg bones just rose off the ground. “I have no interest in your…thoughts. However your constant need to seek trouble is irritatingly causing concern.”

“In my defence…Godkruger said it was attractive, and I was just explaining…nicely how I disagree and that they need to sleep more so we don’t have to see them as much-”

His bone fingers dug into my shoulders. “Don’t forget why you’re here, and your purpose of LIVING. Complete your purpose and I shall return you back to your life and you’ll be able to become deceased without me stopping it like I have been since you were BORN.” His words were cruel and colder than my frozen ass.

Again my only response being a subtle nod. He constricted his bone cloaked arm around my waist and his skull loomed just above mine. “I would hold your breath.” Before I could ask or even make some sort of confused expression, we disappeared in a haze of dark.

Waking up next to Daemon is one of my worst nightmares, which has now come true. I groaned, lifting my head out of the rubble. I rested my hand on my throbbing skull, cement, wood and blood twisted through my hair.

“Was all that demolishing really necessary?”

He got to his feet and brushed himself off, as if a snowflake just gently fell on his shirt, not breaking through over thirty floors with my cranium!

“Well now that you say it, I feel rather refreshed and calm. I have your thick head to thank for that. I just loved feeling it break into all the hotels floors.”

“You Dickmon need A LOT of help if hurting me gives you pleasure. At least I find it through women.”

“Oh so Scarlet slapping you gave you pleasure? I’m sure she’ll do it again if you just talk to her with that sharp mouth of yours.”

My fist clenched. “You’re an ass, just because I actually genuinely feel something for a women or anyone you have to make me feel like fucking shit!”

“I don’t have to; you help to get yourself in this shit with or without me! And the only dirty asshole who needs a good wipe is sitting next to me.”  

A growl escaped my lips and I bounced up, swiping a fist across his face before bolting up the staircase. Soon after I could hear him bounding after me, knocking anyone and everyone out of his storming way. I reached the room I was once resting in, where we left Scarlet to plunge down through the hotel, just because I have a hard head and Daemon is just being Dickmon.

But to my utter demise, she was gone, and I fell to my knees. I didn’t have her as a hostage to escape this disaster, and to make it worse he was already behind me. “Why would she just LEAVE?”

Daemon snorted. “Because I forgot to put her leash on.”

“She has a leash? No wonder she hates you…”

He thumped the back of my head so that I face-planted into the floor. “No, but she obviously needs one!”

Cautiously I raised my face up and glowered at him. “So what’s the plan Dickman?”

He scowled down at me. “I’m going to find MY missing dog, and you’re going to need wings.”

I risked a questioning. “Why wings..?”

He went from sour puss, to Cheshire cat. “I’m so glad you asked Elapse, but right now, you’re going to collapse.” His foot swung into my face, and I flew, like he said, down into the hotel hole that we recently made.

I was gonna hit the basement soon, I would get him back later. But for now I’m going to complain about is ridiculous pun. That’s a name I would get called in kindergarten, and some of them still need to be toilet trained. Elapse the Collapse. He could at least have been a little more creative!

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