Chapter Fourteen: Jewels of Ignorance

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It was late, it was dark, and I was tired. But I couldn’t sleep knowing there was glowing out my window. But how come Daemon hadn’t noticed?

I crept across the floor, freezing at every squeak that echo from the wooden boards. Though Daemon, the sharp eared heartless being barely stirred from his spot on the bed.

I slid up the frame of the door, and easing my hand around the handle, turning it slowly until there was a decent sized gap for me to slither through.

Sprinting down the vast turning stairs I got to the reception lounge. It was empty. I guess I should expect that at this time…but I would think the underworld would be an exception.

I shrugged, making my way to the front doors. A gust of chilling wind slammed through my nightie, making my knees clacktogetheras I walked toward the glowing tree.

This place was even creepier at night. Everything seemed to be painted black, though that illuminating pine tree sort of wrecks it. I’m surprised they haven’t ripped it down, because sparkling plants are more for fairyland.

Its vast caramel trunk and branches reach upwards to the sky, with its emerald leaves hanging loosely off it. I gawked in admiration, until I notice something; it was brighter in the middle. Does the tree have lighting problems or is it not the tree making theradiance?

Reaching my arm up and grasped a branch, pulling my body up. Unfortunately, I forgot I have no upper body strength whatsoever, then there was the issue of gravity. My weak grip was lost, and I scrapped my shin as I went back down. 

“I HATE YOU…TREE!” I seethed uncertainly, pain wrenching at my leg.

After moments of glaring and name calling I got over the weeping pain and tried again, but this time using more than arm power. I used my claws or what others may call untrimmed nails.

I began to scamper from branch to branch, gripping each for dear life. That’s was until I saw it. A kite shapedblack gem, nestled cosily between a branch crack. It was so beautiful, it had to be the most beautiful normal thing here, besides the fact it’s living in a tree.

I was about to collet it when my footing buckled. The only thing keeping me up was two shrunken arms and a branch which they feebly hung off. My heart boomed in my ears, my palms began to sweat. This was actually worse than asking a guy out.

I felt like yelling out to Daemon, the window was just behind me, but did I want to face the consequences? I mean it is Daemon I’m talking about, the irrationalscary, make you shit your pants dictator.

“Nah I’ll just hang in here…” I mumbled mindlessly to myself, swaying my legs without a care. I would rather fall to my death then have to face him. I gazed over at the gemstone, just a tiny arm’s length away. I strained my brain to decide what to do, until I realised I was stuck here anyway.

As I pulled it from the crack and I let a sigh of relief echo out. I held it up, but the glow vanished and everything that was once lit by it, plunged back into its original darkness.

“…Just great...!” I grumbled as my one arm holding the branch decided it had had enough. ‘Okay now I was going to die,’ was the thought that repeated as my head plummeted down through the tree, demolishing anything in its route.

It was going to be my end, all because of glowing rock. That was until I felt a chill wrap around my waist, making me exhale from its rushing cold. I wasn’t falling anymore, I was just being held in mid-air. Was this Daemon’s doing? God I’m going to be dead. But why hasn’t he yelled at me yet?

Glancing around I realised, there was nothing. One way of describing it would be a ghost town, but that wouldn’t be right, for there are ghosts here. The gripping chill began to lower me till my feet made contact with the ground.

Startled and annoyed that it saved me from my ending, I stumbled over my feet and onto my ass. Moving my eyes to the black gem; I had gotten it, I had climbed a stupid tree and gotten it down.

Joy flooded me, making prance around dancing with delight. A creature starred at me from beyond the road. I didn’t care, I just got a black gemstone and it hadn’t.

The dull door squeaked open. She poked her pale scrawny head around, blushing at the realisation that I knew. Waking up this morning I found her highness of slumber missing. She had obviously survived her trip to wherever.

“Did you have fun?” I asked casually, smiling at her from the armchair.

Her eyes searched my face for a sign of anger. “…I don’t know what you mean,” Scarlet mumbled, side stepping across the room, keeping a wary eye on me.

“Don’t play dumb with me Scarlet,” I replied in a harsher tone. “I definitely wasn’t born yesterday. So tell me where did you go and how did you survive?”

Her expression went into a cold shock. “You know what!” she blustered, slipping her legs behind a sofa. “I want to know why everyone thinks MY business is automatically their business. People need to get their own lives so they can have their own business!”

“I completely agree,”

“You do…Good,”

“Except your business at the moment is my business,”

She glared at me and sighed, plodding sulkily towards me. Then taking a deep breath she began. “It started with a glow, and it was bothering me and I want to sleep so I can survive another day with you.” She took another breath. “I found out it was a tree, I climbed it then I fell, see I scraped my leg, but I actually made it the next time finding this.” She revealed a black jewel from her once clenched fist.

My jaw fell open at the sight of it. She looked at me dazed. “You found it!”

“Found what?” she uttered with puzzlement.

“The first of the seven jewels!” I exclaimed with glee, pulling her into a tight hug.

“…you’ve lost me…”

I broke away from the awkward and regretful hug. “You do you think your needed?”

“I don’t know Daemon, because I have a special power?”

“Not really…no.”

“You wanted company?”

“…Absolutely no…you have the gift to find these.” I gestured to the black gem sitting in her palm.

“Why do you need these? Are you needing more bling in your wardrobe?” she teased grinning at me.

“No, this is what…he needs.” I said hesitantly, taking my eyes off her lips. “You need to find all seven and the chain. Once done, you can return home.”

“That’s all I need to do? And I can leave?!” she muttered excitedly.

“It’s not that easy, they are scattered everywhere.”

“Of course…nothing here’s that easy!”

I rolled my eyes at her exasperation. And I’m meant to be the cynical one. “Look we’ll leave today to the next location okay?”


“What is it?”

“…I still can’t ride Boom.”

“Oh f…!”


I rubbed my head, irritation and ignorance burning through my mind. “…I forgot.”

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