Chapter 19 Melting Snow

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The sun already moved to the west side of the house when Roman woke up. He dragged one eye open and then the other. Squinting at the glimmer of sunlight coming through the window he was able to see the clock – 2:15 PM. Zara was knocked out, laying on her stomach, one leg hung out of the bed and her sprawled brown hair covered her face like a mop. And...she was snoring. He smiled, kissing her on the back. "Best night ever."

He lay on her back, brushed the hair aside, and kissed her neck until she stirred. She finally moved, grabbing his hand and kissing it. He rolled over, leaning on his elbow. "You put on quite a show last night."

Zara laughed. She pulled the covers up over her breast, slid up, and leaned back against the pillows. She shook her head at the dent marks in the wall from the headboard. The thought reminded her of their night, fire trailed down her spine. She was well pleased that they were sexually compatible in the best way. A spark of anger flashed knowing that they could have been together a long time ago. She dismissed it though, wanting to hold onto the joy and anticipation of great sex for years to come. We'll have to fix that wall. "You didn't do so bad yourself."

"You've been so worth the wait."

She tipped up and kissed his cheek

"The sun is shining today. Everything will clear up at least by in the morning," he said, running his fingers through her hair. She looked radiant. Knowing that he was a big part of the smile on her face made him feel good. He'd always imagined life with her being this great.

"A week with you - this is sheer heaven. God knows I hope that we get snowed in again before winter is over."

"I know," Roman said. "I want us to go away sometime soon. But you know we have matters to settle first."

"Yes, we do." She gazed at him not wanting to discuss Ethan. Yet, the time had come. She couldn't avoid the conversation forever. Thinking about the man worked all kinds of emotions. They'd had good times together until things went off the rails. Zara never would have imagined the predicament that she was in. The root traced back to her vicious mother. It had created a domino effect on her life. "Can we just have the rest of today? I'll tell you anything that you want to know about Ethan, tomorrow."

"I think that you're right. This is our first day of marriage. Let's make it a happy one."


Zara called Ava late that evening. "You're what! I can't believe – what – how -?"

"It's a long story. But the bottom line, there is a judge that lives in the building. He came upstairs and tied the proverbial knot."

Squeals of delight caused Zara to have to remove the phone from her ear. She laughed at Ava's exuberance. She could imagine what she looked like at that moment. It made her heart smile. "I cried for the whole ceremony. I cannot describe the overwhelming feeling of being the most important thing to him, and him to me."

"Awww, that's so sweet. The two of you are meant to be."

Zara tucked her legs under, while seated on the sofa. Those words sank inside of her soul. It was so true. She and Roman had always been together. They were like one coin with two sides. There was never a point in her life when he wasn't in it. "Thank you, Ava. And how's married life been treating you?"

"My life feels whole. I didn't realize how I wanted to marry until it happened. Then it seemed like I had all the pieces to my puzzle," Ava said. "He's fabulous with Glory. And she's warmed up to him." Ava squealed again. "Oh girl, I still can't believe that you guys married – oh, so cool."

"Roman is calling me. I've got to go. We'll talk later, okay?"

"Yeah, girl. Congratulations. Bye."


Zara followed Roman's voice to the third floor. She smiled as she entered the solarium. This was his time to be romantic. He'd filled the room with candles and was sitting in the hot tub with an ice bucket and wine glasses set on the ledge. Snow still covered the roof and sides of the room maintaining the snow globe effect. But in candlelight, it looked stunning. It looked as if they were sitting inside an igloo. The soft light of the candles made the snow crystals shimmer. And the pool sparkled under the ambient glow. He'd created another playlist, infusing the room in a sensual vibe.

God, he looked sexy sitting there while the waters bubbled around him. Roman's eyes darkened at the sight of her and that infectious smile etched up his face. That broad chest, dark hairs, and washboard abs devastated her. Flashes of Roman being all over her body filled her mind. Heat pulsed through her veins. Zara found it hard to breathe again. Will he always have this effect on me? Her heart raced out of control. "If I had known that you were in the hot tub I would have brought my bathing suit."

Roman laughed so hard, a mischievous glint formed in his eyes. She's still a little shy around me. They'd have years of marriage to work that out of her. Roman smiled up at Zara. "Woman just strip and get in here."

She stood with eyes wide and grinning. In less than a minute everything was off. The progress that she had made was so liberating. Everything about her felt beautiful. Zara finally loved herself. All the shame was gone. Roman made her feel like the sexiest woman alive. She sat on his lap in the hot tub. Roman's arms locked around her waist pulling against his chest. He placed soft kisses on her cheek. "We're going to spend a lot of time up here – naked."


New York City had thawed out enough for the operations to be functioning. Streets and highways cleared. The news announced that all flights resumed. Roman peered out the window. The beautiful blanket of white that had encapsulated the city for days was now mixed with grimy slush as cars slung dirt into the snow. Snowblowers crisscrossed the landscape ripping apart nature's paintbrush.

He and Zara huddled together, under a thick red comforter. "I wish our moment didn't have to end."

"Me neither. I wish you didn't have to go."

"Me too." He kissed her nice and easy on the lips. "I won't stay long at the office. Though I hate to do this, treasure, the time has come. We must discuss Ethan."

He felt her tense up and it alarmed him. That feeling along with a pile of reports that T-30 had sent him last night had him floored. He read them while she was sleep. It didn't make matters any better. Roman looked down and she was biting her lips like she always did when something was the matter. He rubbed her shoulders. "Hey, everything will be fine. As soon as we get this out in the open, the sooner we can get passed this. Now, please talk to me."

"How much do you already know?"

"A lot more than you think; but I need things confirmed so that I know that the information is legitimate."

Zara wrung her hands. She didn't want anyone to know why she did what she did. The entire matter was to be private and handled without drawing attention. "Ava told you, didn't she?"

"She did, but I found out about Ethan on my own. Unfortunately, I had to press Ava to get her to talk."


"You were asleep one night. Your cell phone was on the charger on my side of the bed. I saw his belligerent messages flashing on the phone. So I called Ava and asked about him." Roman tipped her chin up. "I was upset at the way he hounded you and I didn't want to wake you."

"And you threatened her with - what - telling Trevor?" she said, snatching out of the bed.

Roman pulled her back down gentle and easy. There was no way he was going to mess up the perfect moments between them. "It wasn't an option that I wanted to use, but she understood that I was trying to keep you safe and what she said helped. The rest my team and I figured out on our own."

Zara's face whitened. She glanced at him perplexed, stuffing her face in her hands. Zara's stomach bottomed out. Her mind spun. Keep me safe. Threatening Ava. Scrub the Internet of their encounter. T-5. Knowing that he had information on Ethan already. Zara raised her brow, looking at her brand new, man of her every dream, loving husband. "Forget Ethan. Is there something that I don't know about you, Roman?"

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