Chapter 22 Friendly Reunion

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The carriage ride and the diamond ring were a prelude of things to come. Naked foreplay in the hot tub followed. That led to another night of unforgettable passion. Every cell in her body had him somewhere in it – thoughts in her mind, fire in her blood when he ravished her.

Zara never imagined experiencing raw, unlimited sexuality. He was the type of man that never tired of sex. She was glad because she'd been emotionally starved. With Roman, it wasn't just a physical act but deep imprinting of his love. It felt like being under a refreshing waterfall. She lavished in his love, giving back as much as he gave to her.

There were no inhibitions between them. They explored whatever felt good and kept at it until they passed out. When she wanted him again in the middle of the night, he was always willing. The thought that she could express herself in that way, after doubting his attraction to her felt so satisfying. Zara slept so deep that she didn't hear him get up at 7:00 AM.

Roman smiled as he slipped from the bed. I've got a hot-live wire. He leaned down and kissed her, she didn't stir an ounce. He moved about preparing for his next surprise to lift her spirit. This would get her through the next few days as they hashed out things about Ethan. It would be a nice distraction in the midst of a serious matter.

Roman put fresh linens on the bed in another guest room. He stocked the adjoining bath suite with towels, soap, toothpaste, and other toiletries. Breakfast got ordered from the restaurant in the building and they would be bringing it up at any minute. He asked them to text him when they arrived because he didn't want to wake Zara.

He smiled thinking about how happy she was going to be. Within 20 minutes the wait staff had delivered the breakfast setting it up buffet style. It was a southern breakfast that he knew they would enjoy – scrambled eggs, shrimp with grits, bacon, and potatoes O'Brian. Roman pulled a few plates from the cabinet and utensils from the drawer. Finally, he got the text that he was waiting for.

Roman sent a few directions on how to get into the new elevator assigned to his penthouse in the text, and within a few minutes, the elevator doors opened. The arrival thrilled him. When he stepped up to give Trevor and Ava a hug, his ears cringed at the loudest scream. This cute little thing was reacting because he'd gotten too close to her mama. Roman stepped back and took a good look at the noisemaker and lost it. "She is beautiful...and those lungs. Come in. Come in."

Ava smiled. "It's so good to see you. Thanks for flying us up. This was to be a surprise, but I'm sure Zara must have heard Glory Rose."

"Oh my God," Zara laughed, "I really did hear a baby crying. I thought that I was dreaming. You guys are here!" Zara did a little skip before running over to Ava and Trevor. "This is the best surprise. Thank you, Roman. I needed this."

After their warm reunion and plenty of hugs and kisses for the baby, they all sat down and had a hearty breakfast. Reminisced about good times. Then Roman sent Ava and Zara off shopping and asked them to bring a bassinet back for the baby.

Though this was to be a nice gathering of friends, it was to prepare. Roman and Trevor had talked about Zara's situation for a few days. Trevor got clearance from his management that he could take an extended leave. He'd put together a navy seals team if Roman needed him for the mission that he was about to undertake.

Trevor's team had done undercover work for them before with exemplary results. And if there were anyone that he could trust with an assignment so personal, it would be Trevor. The two of them had a long history and were knitted together in a way that he always knew that Trevor would have his back. He would need Trevor to keep him on task as Mission Treasure kicked into gear. With them gone, he and Trevor could do a live conference with T-30.

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