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I put the CD into the player. Part of me felt guilty. I was meeting Will in fifteen minutes to give this back to him; and I hadn't listened to it yet. I blame the fact that my favourite TV program the xFactor was on; and I was catching up because I missed it Saturday.

Either way, I play the first track. It's a cover of a song called, "Clueless."

The words echo how he must feel on his first day

"Standing on the edge.
Looking in.
But can't locate the entrance.
I'm clueless,"

The next song is called "Even when I go." This one is slower and calmer.
"Even when I go and leave you standing by yourself,
Even when I go one thousand miles away,
I want you to know that
These words I say never fade,
I love you,"

The third song was called, "Stand"
It was very up-beat and fast.
"Stand! For the people who called you names
Stand! For the times you were a part of their games
Stand! Because you're better than them."

The fourth was called "Trying for you."
"I'm trying to be the person you wanted
I'm trying to get into the school team,
Trying to prove all the things you thought you'd seen,
I'm trying to not be me
I'm trying for you,"

The final song was one that hit me. It was called "The girl for me,"

"She's the girl for me,
we're just meant to be,
Her eyes are as blue as the ocean, and I am lost at sea,
So I tell you now she is the girl for me,"

I met with Will later. "You like the CD?"

"I loved it." I say, pulling it out of my bag and handing it to him.
"Great," He says, "Now to send it to the world!"
I smile.
"Also," He says, "I was goanna ask you if you knew about this?"
I look at the flyer in his hand:

The Town's Local Music festival
Local bands and singer songwriters welcome!
Talent scouts invited to attend!
Saturday 1st October

"You should go for it Will," I say,
"I was going to," He smiles.
"And a girl at my school has invited me to a party on Friday." I say,
"Oh cool. Have fun!"
"I wanted you to come too. And she invited you aswell."
"She did, did she?" He laughs, "And who is this?"
"Cassie Davis."
"Oh I've heard of her. Slut?"
"Just because every boy knows everything about her," He says.
"She is a slut, yes. I hate her, but Cat and Tasha are going on Friday and I want to try it out."
"Why am I invited again?"
"She just told me to," I say, "You won't regret it. Her parties are said to be great. Dancing, food, Alcohol-..."
"I hate alcohol."
"I've never tried it." I confess.
"Good." He says, "Don't."
"What's wrong?" I ask,
"I just, don't know... I don't party..."
"Please come!"
"Whatever." He says, "I'll come. Just to make you happy." But there's a glint in his eyes of tears.
He looks at his phone, "Wow. It's getting late. I gotta go."

And he gets up and leaves

"So are you and Will coming Friday?"

It was Thursday. I was eating my lunch with Tasha and Cat.
"I think so." I say, "He got all funny when I asked, though."
"He's coming though?"
"Well, he said he was,"
"Good." Says Cat, "I'm excited!"
"I don't know why I'm doing this," Tasha says, "I'm scared."
"Let's face it. She has finally realised how cool I am and wants to be my friend and we're a threesome."
"WHAT?" Says Tasha, and we burst out laughing. Cat looks at us, "Immature."
"Seriously though Cat," I say, "She asked me first."
"Whatever." Says Cat, and she smiles, "It'll be fine, I promise."

I decide I need to look my best for the party.
As I look through my wardrobe, I decide upon a skater skirt that's denim blue; and I crop top with long sleeves that has an Aztec style pattern on it. I wear my little favourite boots and I wear my hair loose. It's got to be the most dressed up I've ever got.

Meet me at the park in five, Will texts me I need to talk to you.
Good job I'm ready.
I reply.

When I get to the park, Will sees me and his mouth moves into a smile, "You look amazing." He breathes.
"Not too bad yourself." I say.

He doesn't. He's got a shirt and is wearing a trilby and bow tie. He looks so cute.
"We shall go then." He smiles, taking my hand.
We walk through the trees. The Sun is just going down and the horizon is a sea of colours. Finally, we get to Cassie's street.

The house was huge by appearence and grand on the outside. The front lawn was neat and well kept. It is said that Cassie is a posh snob; and it's living up to her reputation.

"Shall we knock?" Says Will. He's just raising his hand when the door opens; revealing Cassie in a revealing outfit. She smiles at me; but practically screaches at Will, "WILL!!!" She says, "How lovely to meet you!"

She pulls him in for a hug. He looks over her shoulder and pulls a face. I breathe a sigh of relief. This means he doesn't find Cassie attractive. Cassie moves her hands and he pulls back and says, "Well this is a lovely house isn't it?"
"It is. I need to give you a tour. Drink?"

He looks at me, and then looks back at the glass in her hand. "I guess." He says, taking it.
"That's better." Cassie grins.

She takes us round the house, showing all the rooms and areas of her house. As she shows us proudly, Will smirks at me and I smile. This is going to be okay.

I go downstairs to the kitchen where Cassie pours Will and me another glass of wine. I feel a bit funny; but it's a nice feeling. I decide though not to have anymore; but for someone who was originally so against it; Will happily had another.

I decide to go to the loo. Will nods.
"I might go see if I can find Tasha and Cat aswell." I say, "I'll be back."

When I find Cat, she's dancing round the living room; wobbling into people. I see Mark; his head in his hands; and Tasha next to Kevin who both looked amused.
I walk over to them, "Is she drunk?"
Mark nods, "Yeah."
"Get her some water."
"You're not exactly sober are you?" Sneers Kevin.
"You know we need to sort Cat out. I'm sober enough to know that."
"She's right, for once," Says Mark, "I need to sort Cat out."
"We need to get her home."
"I'll call a cab," Says Mark, "You get her some water and get her outside."


Cat looks over at me and waves, "Y'arigh Love?" She slurs, smiling drunkenly at me, "Y'anna d'nce?"
"I'm fine." I say, "Have some water. You look hot."
"I... am... on, f're." She slurs some more.
"Just drink it."

She sips it carefully, then glugs it down.
"Okay," I say, "Now it's time to go," I tell her.
She pouts, "I 'as 'avin' fun,"
"Come on,"

Tash and I drag her out of the house and to where Mark has a cab waiting. He nods to me, "Thank you," He says,
"She's had a glass of water." I tell him, "But I'd advice getting her some more,"
"I will. I guess you surprised me; I thought you were an idiot."
"Haha, well..."
"I guess you just seemed... moody?"
"I was." I say.
"We best try be 'friends'" He says, "For Cat's sake."
"Sure." I say, "I'll try."
He takes Cat's arm from my shoulders and helps her into the cab.

Tasha and Kevin are about to get in, when Kevin turns to me, "I know we'll never be 'Friends'"
"But can we try get a long? For Tash's sake?"
"Sure." I say, "I'd love that."

Tasha grins at us, before they both get into the cab.

I better go find Will.

Boy on the bench // COMPLETED ✔️Where stories live. Discover now