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"He was beautiful but we were on the bed like naked and he says, 'I have a girlfriend,' and he pulls away and throws his clothes on, chucking me mine. Gosh, good thing I found Tyler. He's perfect isn't he?"
"You could say that," Tash says from my desk. She's sat doing her homework as she forgot to do it and got an extension. "You do realise he strung two best friends along at the same time for three months and got away with it."
"He even tried flirting with me," I say, "Be careful Cat,"
Cat rolls her eyes, "You guys are just jealous. So, are we going to that music festival?"
"I don't want to go."
"Will's performing."
"Oh my gosh. Get over him."
"I am, but I'd rather not watch him sing, thank you."
"We can do something else when he comes on?" Cat persists, "Oh come on, Calvin could kiss you again,"
"I don't want to kiss that creep!" I shout
Cat looks confused, so I explain for the fiftieth time that day about what happened at the club, and Cat finally took it in.
"Well, you could find another hot guy,"
"There's that other band that's performing. I know the guitarist." Tash says, "The drummer is pretty cute," She holds her phone out with a photo of him and he is pretty gorgeous
"Okay, okay!" I say, "You guys win again!"

Calvin saw me in town the following morning. It was a day off school for most schools as the whole town was preparing for the festival. I was buying some more mascara and eyeliner when I walked out the shop and nearly walked in to Calvin.
"Hey, Sara... I hope the other night hasn't ruined things between us,"
"It kind of has, mate,"
"Where did you go?"
"I fell over then got up and ran." I say, truthfully enough. I couldn't tell if Calvin believed me or not, but he took it.
"I'm sorry," he starts, "I don't know what happened."
"You were drunk and competing with your mate to see who could touch me up the most because I'm a vulnerable heart broken Year ten. Cocky arrogant shit you are,"
He looks astounded by my words, and I roll my eyes, "Girls can swear, don't look so shocked,'
"Is it bad to say that really turned me on?" He says at last
I smirk, "Get a life,"

The festival is really cool to begin with. The bands play, and the drummer is even better looking in real life. But it all went down hill when Will came on.

I couldn't quite bring myself to leave the audience at this point. Firstly, I wanted to see what he did here. And second, from the moment he got on that stage, he located me, and his eyes never left mine, except when he spoke to the audience, "Hi I'm Will," He says, "Also known as Guitar boy,"

At this point, he glances sadly over at me, "I'm going to sing three of my own songs, also available on my demo CD if anyone likes me..." He smiles, "Okay, so the first one is called Clueless,"

He sings it, and I think about his CD. I was the first person to hear this. And I knew I wouldn't be the last.
He sings Stand, which has everyone really moving and grooving to the music and they're all cheering for him.
It's the final song that gets my attention.
"Okay, so my final song tonight was written to someone who I hope hears it."
His eyes lock onto mine as he begins to sing,
"I guess when I saw you, I could never have thought,
How one hopeless glance and a sort of chance,
Could become something more,
But I lost it all
I threw it all away
And one mistake,
You call me a fake
But I know that I can,

Never find another girl like you,
Look at what you put me through.
I can't stop thinking about you,
Only you
I wish I could change
What can I do?
But I just want to say,
I love you and I can't ever forget,
The things we used have."

He looks into my eyes as he sings and the crowd cheers. He flicks his hair out his eyes and smiles, "I've been guitar boy and you've been amazing, goodnight!"
He's walking through the crowd towards me.
I run off before anyone can say anything

Boy on the bench // COMPLETED ✔️Where stories live. Discover now