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I look down at my laptop screen; where Cat's face is staring back at me. We are on Skype to each other as she doesn't understand the Geography Homework.

"Calvin's been asking about you,"
"Has he?" I say, "Honestly though Cat; I couldn't care less. Calvin is lovely I know; but I want to stay unattached for a while. I find it fun being free nowadays."

"As long as you're sure." Cat says, "Mark told me Calvin wouldn't shut up about how much he felt for you,"
"He feels for me, Cat, nothing else. I'll just be another little girl. If I see him, I'll maybe try the water; but if anything, I'll let him chase Me."
"You're a smart girl." Cat says, "Now, this Geography..."

Her phone beeps and lights up next to her. She holds it to her face, and taps the screen occasionally. Then she stops. And cups her hand over her mouth, "We have to go to this!" She says, and shows me the message she's just received.

Party at mine Saturday,
Everyone welcome.

Don't worry, Alcohol is provided.


"Who's 'T'?" I ask,

"Fit guy from the all-boys. Friend of Mark's."
"How does he have your number?"
"Mark gave him mine and Kevin gave him Tasha's."
"I'd never betray my Mark."

"Good girl,"
"So you wanna come?"
"You can bet Will will come."

"And so what if he does? You don't need that Child. You're better than him. You have Calvin after you."
"He is so not after me."
"He so is."

"Well, I'm not in to him. He's two years older than me! He's in the sixth form!"


"So I'm not going to try get with him."

"Whatever." Says Cat, "You're coming on Saturday."

So that's how I came to knock on the door of number 24 Develine Grange Drive. It didn't feel right; really. Another party. After the last one. I don't know why I'm doing this.

The door opens and Tyler opens it. Cat's right; He is pretty hot.

"Hey, you must be Sara."

"You've heard of me?"

"Well, you're pretty famous at the all-boys." Says Tyler, smiling.

I walk in to the crowded living room. Teenagers mill around in groups; mostly holding wine glasses and beer bottles in their hands. I look around for Cat and Tash; but my eyes fall on Calvin, who is with some of his sixth form friends. They nudge him when they see me looking. Calvin nods at them; and they leave.

"Hey." He says, "I'm still single."

"So am I." I tell him, smiling.

"You look great." He says, checking me out. I was wearing a red dress which I had persuaded my mum to buy and some heels. The dress was strappy and only came up to just below my butt but I was wearing some black tights underneath.

"How you holding up?" He says,

"Alright. Just getting on with my life."

"I heard he's coming tonight."

"He is?"

"Yeah. And do you know what?"


"I think you should kiss someone just so he knows you moved on."

"What makes you think that? Who should I kiss then? Tyler?"

He smirks at me, "I think you know perfectly well who to kiss."

"Are you sure you aren't just saying this because you're destperate to kiss me again?"

"I will have you know I am not destperate."

"I'll kiss someone else then..."


I laugh, and he pulls me in and kisses me

I guess there couldn't have been any more perfect timing.

Will walks in at that exact moment. I open one eye and see he is staring right at me. Calvin stops kissing me, and mouths, "Is he there?" At me

"Yes." I mouth back. Calvin grins, and kisses me again.

I found Cat and Tasha later on. They were both outside with other girls from school. Calvin went back to his sixth form friends.

"What happened?" They ask, "With you and Calvin?"

"We kissed,"

"Kissed!" A girl called Beth says, "You were sucking his face off!"

"Oooh!" The others chorus.

"So what's next?" Cat asks me.

"I don't even think he's going to be my boyfriend." I tell them truthfully, "I just let him kiss me to annoy Will."

"I guess you could say that's actually a smart plan."

"Besides, he's in sixth form."

"Age doesn't matter." Tash says, "If you love him..."

"That's the trouble." I sigh, "I don't."

Boy on the bench // COMPLETED ✔️Where stories live. Discover now