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I'm in town later that day. The sun is setting and the sky is a beautiful orange. I'm waiting for the bus when a familiar boy along with a girl I didn't recognise but assumed went to the comprehensive; appeared beside me; laughing and giggling.

Mark looks at me sheepishly and sighs, "I'm sorry, Sara, don't lecture me about Cat, I don't want to hear it. I dumped her just now."
"Was she before, during or after cat?" I ask him
"Towards the end of our relationship I met her," he answers truthfully, "but because I had a relationship at the time it never happened. But then I dumped Cat and met Ally again yesterday,"
"Why did you dump her?"
"She kissed Tyler at the party. The same party Will kissed Cassie. When she was drunk. I tried to forgive her, but it was at Tyler's party when he kissed her on the cheek and she pulled his lips to her mouth and kissed them quickly thinking I hadn't noticed but at the same time knowing I had. I broke up with her because I finally realised I can't date someone who kisses other guys without a problem. You know what it's like, don't you?"

He interlocks fingers with Ally, and their bus arrives before mine so they get on, waving a small goodbye.

"I'm so over him,"
It was the evening, and Tash, Cat and I were in my room, sprawled on different items reading magazines or texting.
"I'm over Kevin too," Tash says
"I'm going to go to that night club in town. You wanna come?"
"That night club is for 18+," I tell her, "You can't possibly think we can get in?"
"I know the bouncer guy,"
"He likes my eye candy,"
"So getting in should be easy,"
"I'm up for it," Says Tash,
"As long as we all don't loose our heads," I say, "I'll come."

So that's how I came to the line outside the strutter club at eight o'clock. I was wearing a long sleeved crop top and skirt with little boots. As per. Cat and Tash stood with me, Tash more scared than Cat. She looked very 'scene' in her leather jacket, black top, bottoms and shoes and black eyeliner. Cat was the opposite; bright pink sort of see- through dress with low cut front showing off her cleavage and it clung to her showing her figure. Boys were already staring at her; and she sauntered over to the bouncer; who looked us over and smiled pleasingly at Cat, "How nice to see you?" He purred.
She grinned, "May we go in?"

The club was loud and very dark inside. The music blared and bodies stood around the room, chatting. One guy approaches Cat; he's very tall with muscular arms and blonde hair; and Cat is very happy. He starts chatting to her; and they rush off. Tash spots a couple of her goth friends so she rushes over to hang out with them and I'm left on my own in an overage club. Great.

Calvin appears a few seconds later and I feel myself breathe out with relief, but pretend I hadn't noticed him and pulled out my phone, pretending to text. Calvin jumps on me and I look up at him, smiling,
"Hey," he grins back. "You look nice."
"Not so bad yourself," I reply.
"What are you doing here?"
"Cat wanted to come and she's just disappeared as has Tash so I'm just here by myself."
"Come hang out with me," he says, grabbing my hand and pulling me through the crowds.

We get to behind the club on a wall. Calvin's friends are there with a couple of girls, who look at me and smile, which makes me feel a little bit better. I recognise them from school. But here they look different to the pretty sixth formers. Beer bottles and cigarettes in hand, they gaze drunkly at the sky and each other.
"Guys and gals, this is Sara from year ten."
"Hey Sara." A guy next to one of the girls says as he takes another drag from the cigarette, "You look hot."
"Sean, hands off." Calvin hisses at him, and Sean laughs loudly. He's clearly drunk.
"You wanna come sit up here with me?" Sean asks, and Calvin glares at him, "Next to Calvin of course,"

I sit on the wall, between these two boys for a while. They sit there, saying nothing. Calvin puts his hand around me, but the two boys exchange glances and Calvin moves his hands down my back and around my waist and trying to grab... "Calvin, get off."
"Ooh, rejection." Sean laughs, and he snakes a hand out to me but I hit it back.
"Get off."
"Come on girl it's just a bit of fun," says one of the girls. Sean snakes his hand around her and she laughs at him. "See," she says, "Harmless fun."
"Come on Sara," says Calvin, "Give us a kiss."
He tries to lean in, his breath on my face. It stinks of fags and beer. He's drunk and I know it, so I refuse, "Piss off!" I yell.
"Come on sunshine it's just a little kiss," Sean teases, and Calvin leans into me again.
"You've kissed me before. Do it again come on, you know you want to,"
"You're drunk!" I shout, hitting him away, "I don't kiss anyone if they're drunk."
"Come on, kiss me," Calvin says.

I can't escape. Sean's on one side of me, Calvin on the other. Behind me is a hill and a wood that leads to the park. If I ran, I'd not get anywhere, they'd follow me.

I look at Calvin, "If I kiss you, will you leave me alone?"
"Yeah, I will...." He says, "Come on them beautiful..."

He leans in and I suddenly feel myself being pulled back. Someone behind me had grabbed me and Calvin is suddenly shocked and then I hear someone whisper, "Follow me!"

I ran before I could work out who it was I was running after. But I didn't want to run back to them. I get through the trees and onto the grass at the park. I look up, and before I could say anything, the boy speaks again, "Don't bother saying anything. I know this is in no way ever going to sort things between you and me. I guess I couldn't watch you kiss him again."
It was Will.
He walks away, and I stare after him. He's just saved my life, in some ways. I guess Calvin just wanted my body. I hate him. I never want to see him again.

But I still hate Will. That boy broke my heart and it's still in thousands of pieces.

"Hey Cat, yes I'm fine." I tell her, "We'll discuss stuff tomorrow, but I'm walking home, Enjoy your evening."
I said similar to Tasha, who told me she'd meet me at the top of the road in five. So she did.
"What happened?" She asks me.
"Calvin's another player boy,"
"He kissed someone else?"
"No, he was trying it on with me and couldn't take no for an answer,"
"Seriously. And his mate Sean. They were drunk but gosh they were creepy."
"Let's go home." She says.

Tash dropped me off at my door and as I got in, mum goes, "You're not drunk are ya?"
"Nah mum," I say, deliberately slurring, but then grinning, "Course not. Same could be said for Tasha. Cat, however, gosh I'm worried about her."
"She'll regret it. I only let you go because you said you'd be okay. I'm surprised Cat's mum said yes. You're underage!"
"I know!"
"Stupid girl. But I love her loads to," mum says, "Go on, get some sleep. You've got school tomorrow."

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