So I finally get out at last.
It's been a good few weeks since the party. Me, I spend my time at home. Tash and Cat are out with Mark and Kevin. The boys are nice to me still; and I am grateful to them. But I stay in; actually do all my homework; and spend time reading the problem pages in Magazines.
But today I'm going out. It's round to Mark's; and he said I should come. The girls wouldn't shut up until I agreed.
"You won't regret it." She tells me, "You won't,"So I get dressed up a bit; because I couldn't go out the house like I was. Staying in, I had been wearing over sized tees and pyjama bottoms most of the time; and no make-up. When I got in from school, I'd take off my make-up and just sit there in my comfy clothes.
But today, I'd come home and pulled out a long-sleeved crop top and a denim skater skirt. I did my eyeliner and mascara and curled my hair slightly so it waved past my shoulders in light bouncy curls. I grab my phone and coat and run down stairs to put on my boots.
"Off out?" Mum calls.
"Yeah." I say,
"It's nice to see you finally out of those t-shirts."
"Haha, thanks mum."
"You look beautiful every day but especially today."I sigh, as I look at my mum. Old, but still beautiful. She'd been about as fourtunate on the male front as me. Single mum, bringing up one teenage girl. It's always been me and her against the world. And it always will be. No boys can get in our way.
"I love you mum," I say, hugging her. She smiles, "Be back by eleven," She says, "See you later! Don't get drunk!"
"I won't" I say, as I step out of the house.It was half seven when I get to Mark's. I stop at his door, and hold my hand up to the door, take a deep breath, and knock.
Mark opens the door, and behind him is Cat. She greets me with a hug and so does Mark. Kevin and Tash are very similar. The are all overly friendly. It's annoying.
I walk into Mark's sitting room. I sit on the floor next to Tash and Cat, where everyone seems to have formed a circle. It appears only a few friends have turned up. I smile at each one. I reconisge a couple of the boys and most of the girls. It seems nice for me to finally be out and socialising; because I hadn't done so for so long.
Then in he came.
Will.I sit up. Cat looks at me, and she grabs my hand and holds it tight. Will sits next to one of the boys across the circle from me; and he looks up at me and his lips form a sort of smile.
I get up and walk out of the room.
As I'd hoped, Cat and Tash followed me. I walked out into his hall out of sight and earshot.
"Just ignore him, Sara."
"He won't be able to do anything, Sara."
"Did you guys know he'd be here?"They looked at each other sheepishly.
"Mark said he didn't know if he was coming or not." Cat explains, "Come on, please, just go back in and show him he's nothing anymore."I walk back in to the room a few seconds later.
"Okay." Mark says, "We all okay?"
I nod.
"Right, so I want to play spin the bottle."
"Do we have to?" Says Will.
"I thought you'd enjoy it. Kissing this many girls." I snap at him.
He looks at me. Our eyes meet for a split second, and then he turns away.
"Right." Says Mark, "Let's do this,"He spins.
"Ooh, it landed on Tasha." He says, "Hope you don't mind someone else kissing them lips ay Kev?"
"As long as it's their first and last kiss, I don't mind." Says Kevin, and he kisses Tasha. I smile.
"Okay, kissing Tasha is...."It lands on this kid called Greg.
"Are you up for it?" Mark says.
"Let's go." Tasha says reluctantly.They walk out the room. Silence.
Kevin looks at Mark, "I hate you right now."They return. Tash pulls a sick face at Cat, Mark, Kevin and me. We all chuckle.
"Okay, so next pair is..."He spins.
Will looks slightly more interested now.
"Who will you be kissing today mate?" He says, "Control the bottle with your mind and pick the girl...."It landed on me.
My heart stops for a second. Me?
"I..." Will starts, but Mark stops him. "Ooh, come on then!"
"I can't do it." He says,
"I won't do it." I say.Mark looks at Cat, who stands up and whispers in my ear, "Kiss him and make him wish he never lost you."
I smirk at Cat, who sits beside Tasha and Mark. I stand, "Come on then," I say, "Let's get this over with."
We step outside. Will is surprised. "Just kiss me." I say, "Because otherwise we could be here a while."
"Sara, I..."
"Will, we don't have time. Kiss me, quick, because trust me, I am not enjoying this."
"I..."I pull him in. I kiss him. I would be lying if I say that it wasn't a brilliant kiss. I enjoyed every second of it. But it felt wrong. I had kissed him because I had too. In a game. When we weren't even speaking. This was my first kiss. It had been robbed from me.
I pull back. He looks at me, with genuine sadness, which I ignore. "Let's go. We're done."
When we get back, I sit beside Cat. She looks at me. I smile sadly, but there are tears in my eyes.
The next couple go out, and then so do the next. It blurs before me, until my name is read out again.
"Sara. Ooh!" Says Mark, "And your partner is Calvin."I look over. Calvin. I had like a tiny crush on him in year 7 as he was in year 9, but that faded when he had a girlfriend, so I was happy to kiss him.
"Okay so," He says, "Let's do this."
"God, I hate this game."
He looks offended, "Why?"
"Oh, not you. Will,"
"What did he do?"
"Slept With Cassie."
"That's low"
"Anyone who sleeps with Cassie is lower than low."
"That's made my day,"
"I hope this does too," He says, smiling as he kisses me.
His kiss was great. I could have kissed him all day. But there was nothing there. Chemistry was lacking. A lot. Will and me, we had chemistry. But it meant nothing now. So I decided to enjoy it.I got back into Mark's living room; and Cat smiles at me and I give her a thumbs up. She grins, but she decides the best option is to text me
What was he like? She asks
Brilliant. I reply
Ask him out she says
Hasn't he got a girlfriend?
I don't think so...?"CALVIN!" Cat shouts across the circle.
He smiles, "What?"
"Are you single?"
Mark is looking at her.
"Yeah why?" He grins,
"My friend here was wondering."
"No, I..." I say, but Calvin grins at me, and I blush and hit Cat on the arm.
Will is looking at me, and I catch his gaze for a moment, before he looks away.The struggles of having a broken heart.

Boy on the bench // COMPLETED ✔️
Ficção AdolescenteSara has two boy- mad best friends. She's fed up of being by herself while they get boyfriend after boyfriend. She is just getting used to the idea when she meets the adorable Will Reynolds; armed with a winning smile and a guitar. Suddenly Sara is...