Chapter 2

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Song for the chapter:

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Song for the chapter:

• Save Me by BTS

"Minnie, if that isn't Tae, then who is standing behind you?"

Taehyung immediately jumps out of his seat. He checks to ensure the door is locked before closing the black curtains. Seokjin leans over in his seat. "Can I see the picture?"

Jungkook's flat fingertips zoom in on the photo. What we see causes Seokjin to shriek. Behind me is a dark figure. The only thing separating us is the glass of the patio doors.

My heart is in my throat as I stare at the picture. There, in the background, stands a figure dressed in dark gray. The slim figure's face is concealed by a face mask. How did I not notice when taking the picture? Was I so caught up in social media that I disregarded the world around me?

Nah. I'm always aware of my surroundings.

"I think it was just someone praying a prank."

"How is this a prank?" Taehyung snaps.

I simply shrug. "Maybe an up and coming vlogger thought it would be funny to prank strangers."

Taehyung lets out a deep sigh. Seokjin walks around the table to comfort him. Jungkook begins to drum his fingers across the table. "I don't know Minnie. I think this is more serious than what you're saying."

"Come on!" My hands slam on the table. "You guys are overreacting. The person didn't harm us. They simply wanted to scare us. That's all."

Jungkook interjects. "Minnie, you're taking this too lightly."

"And I think you're overreacting." I let him roll his eyes before continuing. "Look, I understand that you're scared. Let's just pretend this was all a prank. If something else happens then call emergency services. Alright?"

I hold my pinky out to seal the deal. Taehyung hesitates for a moment but gives in. Jungkook still doesn't seem convinced. A smug grin appears on my face. "Besides, Jungkook here can save us all if something happens. You can be like that hero you like, Tin Man."

"Iron Man."

"Same thing. So what do you say?"

He sits back, legs crossed, fingers continually drumming on the table. I know he doesn't want to agree with my decision. I truly believe he is overreacting. Jungkook doesn't post much so he wouldn't understand how pranks work. He barely had any social media apps on his phone. I downloaded the few he has!

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