𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐄𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭- 𝐋𝐨𝐤𝐢'𝐬 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐆𝐢𝐫𝐥

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I watch the flying beast flip over forward with Hulks single punch, The hairs on the back on my head stand up and shivers literally go down my spine.

If I was going to really shit myself it would be in this moment. I'm serious dude, HE TOOK THAT THING OUT WITH A SINGLE PUNCH. How am I supposed to beat that? That. That green massive freaking troll?! The beast was more than half of the size of him.

A roar from Chitauri soldiers come from the city buildings surrounding the avengers, they notice the beast being killed in front of their eyes and they grow with hatred.

Loki watches below the heroes, motionless, he speaks into a device. "Send the rest" my super hearing then gets disrupted by more angry roars coming from the portal, more flying beasts fly down from the portal and even more Chitauri soldiers.

I watch the Avengers to see if they give up, but they proceed on, Cap starts giving orders to the other team members and sends them off.

' They're too good, I would've given up by now...should I be loyal to Loki? Even if this is nothing I wanted. I warned Loki that he doesn't need this. And now he's going to loose and dragging me down to the fiery depths of hell with him.' I think to myself.

I turn away from the team and walk down a road, all the building beside me are damaged, the pavements and sidewalks are all shredded into pieces, cars are flipped over and on fire, everything around me is in time of Chaos, except for me.

I disengage my invincibility, continuing to walk down the broken road people run past me screaming and yelling. I keep walking straight up I hear multiple extremely painful screams coming from inside one area, I ignore it walking on. But it gets worse, I don't realise how painful it sounds until I'm next to the building. I didn't even know I was walking closer. The screams get so loud in my I'm forced to cover my ears and crouch on the ground. I hold my head ungently and squeeze it with my palms, the screams of pain continue to get louder. It sounds like they're being skinned alive. I fall to the ground and repeatedly begging for them to stop. They don't. My mind falls into anger.

I furrow my eyebrows and hover off the ground with my arms by my side. I enter the building and the Chitauri soldiers stare at me unknowingly if I'm a friend or foe, the screams don't stop. I shoot white blasts at them and crush some with Telekinesis. They immediately pick up on their fallen ones and circle around me, without warning they all attack me, the crawl at my skin.

Out of nowhere Captain America arrives, he attacks one of the few that aren't on me. I turn invisible, making the Chitauri fall into confusion, they look at the empty space aka me. I start firing white blasts all around me. One of the Chitauri away from me clicks on something and it starts ticking, presumably a bomb. Captain flings one across the room with an uppercut.

"Everyone clear out!" He yells to the crowd. A remaining Chitauri puts Cap in a head lock and rips off his helmet piece, I fly from across the other side of the hall and use my Chaos magic to rip it apart in shreds while Captain gets away from its hold and shoots another Chitauri with its own gun. Another Chitauri picks up the bomb that I saw earlier and quickly throws it at me, Captain races to in front of me with his shield and the bomb explodes. Me and Rogers break through a window. We both fall different ways, before he hits his head on the pavement I use my telekinesis while airborn to slow him down so he lands the fall, I land on top of a broken car and gets impaled by a broken window piece sticking out, I scream in pain. I do a push up to release myself of the glass.

I help myself up and shakily try to walk away from the scene, I look back to see civilians running out of the building they were just hostage in.

Another explosion goes off in the direction ahead me in the air, I focused my clearly to see Loki fall off and land onto the stark tower. Without hesitation I fly up with my wounded shoulder and quickly make it to the tower.

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