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Barry's POV

We follow him to the park and he meets up with a girl...

I ship Olivarry so West-Allen will not be real. Barry and Iris are just friends.

I meet up with Iris at the park and we sit on a bench.

Iris: hey Barry did you remind Dad that dinner is at his place tonight.

Barry: yup I did.

Iris: thanks.

We go on to talk about other random things.

Kurt's POV

Sebastian and thus Girl go and sit on a bench and start talking. He seems so at ease around her I wonder if she knows who he is.

Blaine's POV

Sebastian goes and sits down with this girl he seems so calm. It's nice to see glad he if happy. Wait are they together! Oh. My. Gosh. I need to know?

Santana POV

I wonder who that is Barry never mentioned having any close female friends... Hmmmmm....

Rachel's POV

Ugggghhhghh. Does this mean that the jerk has friends andaybe even a girlfriend. Ugggghhhhh.

Kurt's POV

After the girl leaves we approach him.

Santana: hey Seb. Who was that?

Barry: a friend.

Blaine: are you dating!!! (Excitedly)

Barry: ew no. She is my sister.

Santana: oh... so that's Iris.

Blaine: sorry.

Kurt: you have a sister?

Rachel: she looks nothing like you.

Santana: that's because he's adopted. Oops sorry Seb.

Kurt and Blaine: your adopted?!?!?

Barry: yup. Oh and Santana I hate you.

Santana: I know, I'm sorry..

Barry: you had better be.

Kurt: wait your adopted. Why?

Barry snaped: none of your business.

Then he stormed off.

Santana frustratedly: ever consider it might be a sore topic and he doesn't really know you guys. Idiots all of you.

Santana runs after him.

Blaine: now I feel bad we should go say sorry.

Kurt: fine.

Rachel: nope.

Blaine: please.

Rachel: not a chance.

Kurt: than leave.

Rachel leaves. Totally not because the author hates her.

We chase after Sebastian and Santana.

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