Star City

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Oh my goodness it's Oliver Queen. He's so hot I didn't think I would actually meet him.

Alright back to the case.

Barry: I think I know what was stolen. It's a Centrifuge.

Then some blonde girl explains the rest. I save Olivers life turns out he is the arrow and of my gosh he is so hot.

I head back to Central City.

Me and Iris go to the Partical Accelerator thing.

Barry: so I was thinking about how I'm not in a relationship and how you keep trying to set me up with someone and...

Iris: I'm sure you will find the right girl Barry it will just take time.

Then I lost my nerve.

Barry: I'm sure your right.

Iris: see aren't you glad I know you so well.


Barry: yah.

Then someone steals Iris's purse.

Iris: it has my dissertation in it.

I run after the theif but he punches me in the face and Detective Thawn gets the arrest but Iris let's the kid go.

I head back to my lab and it's raining so I grab the metal chain and start to close my sky light. But then there's an explosion and all the liquid in my beakers start to rise. Then... OWWWWWW!

Nobody's POV

Barry is slammed backward into all his liquids after being struck by lightning.

Then about 30 minutes later Nick and Jeff come up stairs to give him something and find him on the floor unconscious and covered in chemicals and he shocks them when they touch him Nick runs down stairs to get someone.

Then Captain Sighn runs up and calls an ambulance.

At the Arrowcave.

Felicity is flipping through tv channels while Oliver is training with dig.

She gets a news channel.

Reporter: the Partical Accelerator has exploded. This just in a CSI was struck by lightning in CCPD and has just been admitted to the hospital in critical condition. His name is Barry Allen.

She mutes it.

Felicity: Oliver!

Oliver: what?

Felicity: Barry Allen was struck by lightning and has been admitted into the hospital in critical condition. He was in his lab so there's a good chance he hit the chemicals.

Oliver: hey we'll head over there tomorrow okay. Felicity nods. And they all go home for the night.

Oliver: yah I need three train tickets to Central City for tommorow. Okay. Thank you.

The next day they head over and meet Joe outside Barry's room.

Oliver: how's he doing?

Joe: not well. Who are you to Barry?

Oliver: we are friends he became a good freind of mine not long ago.

Joe: he's in a coma.

Oliver: I'm so sorry...

Joe: Joe. I'm Barry's foster dad.

Oliver: Joe. I'm sure he will pull through. Why don't you go get some food we can wait here and come find you if anything happens.

Joe: no not till he's stable.

Oliver: how about I go get you some food and bring it back here.

Joe: alright. I wolnt eat pickles or mustard.

Oliver: okay.

A little while later Oliver comes back with a burger for Joe and he eats it.

Oliver: any changes.

Joe: None they said that they don't know what all chemicals are in his system and what it could be doing but they're trying.

Oliver: oh okay.


Nick: Thad he was struck by lightning and laying in a pool of different chemicals.

Thad: I get that but is he gonna be okay.

Nick: probably not. Can you spread the word please.

Thad: alright.

Thad hangs up and Nick sighs and lays down trying to get the image of Barry just laying there in a pool of chemicals out of his head.


Blaine: bye Kara have fun at work.

Kara: alright now get back to Earth one.

Blaine gets back and walks in on Santana yelling at Kurt.

Blaine: what's going on?!

Santana: Barry was struck by lightning, and this idiot said he deserved it.

Blaine: Kurt he could die!!!

Kurt: and he's a jerk.

Blaine: Kurt that doesn't mean you should wish death on him.

Kurt: I suppose.

Santana: bye guys I have to go talk people who will actually care.

Blaine: bye Santana.

This book is now over. If you want a second book in this series please let me know. Hope you guys enjoyed it.

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