Sebastian's Back

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Santana POV

These idiots can't even think about how it might be a sore topic and now they have got sweet clumsy little Barry upset and ughhhhhhgghh.

I finally catch up with Barry.

Santana: Barry, are you okay.

Barry: I'm fine. I'm fine. It's just been a long day.

Santana: do you wanna, I don't know. Talk about it.

Barry: since when are you kind and caring.

Santana: since it's my fault the whole mess happened. I'm so sorry.

Barry: I don't want your pity.

Great Sebastian is fully back.

Barry: go away Satan I want nothing to do with you. Your an awful human of wait your an ugly alien sorry. Just leave me alone.

Santana: and Sebastian comes out to play.

Barry: oh course. Why wouldn't I. Get your sorry a** away from me. If you ever talk to me again I will file for a restraining order.

Santana: Bartholomew Henry Allen. You can't you have no just cause now why don't you calm down and tell me what is going on.

Barry gets up: just go.

Santana: but...

Barry: go!

Barry walks off. I turn around and start to walk back towards the idiots for friends that I have.

Kurt's POV

Santana is walking back towards us without Sebastian.

Blaine: how is he? We feel bad.

Santana: you should but he wolnt open up. We need to call in the cavalry.

Blaine: I'm on it

Santana: you idiots brought Sebastian back out to play and now we are all screwed. The only one able to real him in will be in town soon arn't they getting here tommorow. That is when the cavalry will strike.

Blaine: hey Thad. We need the cavalry it's a situation with a distressed Sebastian...

So, I know it's kinda short but... Oh well. Like and comment if you want.

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