Talking to Joe

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Santana and Thad head to CCPD and once they walk inside they see Blaine.

Santana: what are you doing here?

Blaine: I was looking for Barry I wanted to apologise.

Thad: hes not here go home.

Blaine: if he's not here then why are you here?

Thad: to talk to his foster dad Joe, please leave.

Blaine: fine.

Blaine heads out the door and heads into an ally.

Thad and Santana find Joe.

Thad: hey Joe, can we talk to you for a sec.

Joe: sure.

Thad: we want to convince Barry to come to his highschool reunion any ideas on how to do that.

Joe: hmmm... Well you could try getting Singh to let him off work then he has no excuse not to go, and if he doesn't then he will have to explain to his boss why he got the day off for no reason.

Santana: that could work, where is captain Singh?

Joe points to his office.

Thad and Santana head over there.

Thad knocks on the door, and captain Singh lets them in.

Singh: what can I do for you?

Thad: we are friends with Barry Allen, and we were wondering if he could have next week off because we are having a highschool reunion and he really wants to come.

Singh: I suppose so, he does deserve a vacation he doesn't get them that often, he can have next week off tell him I don't want to see him till a week from now unless I call him in on an emergency case.

Santana: will do sir thank you.

They leave Singh's office and head out if the precinct.

Thad: so now all we have to do is tell him and drag him there everyday.

Santana: yah. We for this.

Meanwhile in the ally where Blaine was he was listening in on there conversation and then he just disappeard in seconds like he was never there.

Blaine reappeared in the room of one Marley Rose or as her world would know her Kara Danvers.

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