The Reunion

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Barry POV

I was off work and talking with Iris at jitters when Thad showed up and dragged me out by my ear. I waved to Iris to say bye then turned on Thad.

Barry: what do you want?

Thad: your coming with me to the reunion right now. Let's go.

Barry: I already told you I'm not going. Besides I have work later.

Thad: nope I got your boss yo give you the week off.

Barry: you are ruining my life.

Thad: start moving your out of excuses let's go.

Barry: ughhhhhhhhghhhhhh.

Then we start to walk to the wearhouse that the reunion is in.

When we enter I see less peoplw than I would have thought glaring at me. But all of the new directions except Blaine and Santana still are.

I move over to wear the drinks are and grab one.

Then Kurt and Puck corner me.

Kurt: you have some never showing up here.

Barry: blame Thad he forced me to come. Now if you will excuse me I would rather not deal with this today.

Puck: you think that your leaving no. Your telling us why you were such an jerk in highschool.

Barry: hmmm how bout no.

Kurt: not an option.

Barry: oh well.

Then I walk away over toward Niff.

Barry: hey guys.

Jeff: hey Bas.

Nick: awww look it's little Bassy.

Barry: shut up you idiots. And haven't I told you I go by Barry now.

Jeff: fine. Baaarrrryyy, how are you doing all us well I hope.

Barry: yeah for the most part. So when are you guys heading out of town.

Jeff: next week.

Barry: alright.

And the rest of the reunion was similar avoiding questions and talking with old friends. But the next day since I had off I headed to Star City.

Hey guys there are only one or two chapters left in this book. Hope you are enjoying. I feel like this chapter is really bad.

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