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Kara: Blaine what are you doing here? And how did you just appear in my apartment.

Blaine: um well we are having a reunion with the Warblers and we are currently trying to get Sebastian to come so I figured we should try and get you to.

Kara: Blaine we are on a different Earth.

Blaine: I know.

Kara: fine but I have to be back by next week let me call my boss.

Kara: hello, Ms. Grant. Hi can I have the week off I have a high school reunion to go to. I can. thank you. (Hangs up) now my sister. Hey Alex in going out of town for the week call you when I get back, bye. (Leaves voicemail and hangs up) let's go.

They come back to Earth 1.

Kara: so Blaine, how do you have powers.

Blaine: oh Kara you wouldn't even be able to comprehend. Here is the information, see you bye.

He walks away.

Okay here we go, she finds a hotel and dies her hair brown.  Then goes for coffee and runs into Santana.

Santana: Marley?

Kara: yah.

Santana: I didn't know you were coming. We hadn't been able to contact you. Where have you been?

Kara: traveling. I have been every where. Most places to far for contact.

Santana: that makes sense. Guess who is in town.

Kara: Mr. Shue?

Santana: no. Sebastian.

Kara: really. I mean guess it makes sense I suppose since he is a Warbler.

Santana: Sebastian went off grid like you and he goes by Barry now by the way.

Kara: oh that's cool. Alright I have to go bye.

Santana: bye.

I updated. Sorry about the slow updates I am trying. Pls don't kill me.

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