The Cavalry

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Blaine: hey Thad. We need the cavalry it's a situation with a distressed Sebastian...

Thad's POV

Thad: I'm on my way and bringing the Cavalry. Tell me what happened in every detail.

Blaine tells him everything exactly as it happened.

Thad: find him we will be in Central City in an hour.

Thad hangs up.

Santana: come on I know where he went.

They follow Barry back to his apartment.

They wait outside and send Thad the address.

Eventually Thad and the cavalry show up.

Thad: alright so he's inside in his apartment.

Santana: yes. And he has gone full Sebastian again due to these idiots over here.

Thad: you have made a mess. You know that Barry hasn't gone full Sebastian since Highschool.

Kurt: what is Full Sebastian?

Thad: well full Sebastian is when he reverts to his highschool self in a time of crisis, when he feels attacked, or needs to defend himself from something.

Blaine: like us asking to many questions about a ruff topic.

Santana: exactly. Now you two are gonna leave with me and we will leave Sebastian to Thad and the cavalry.

Kurt: let's go get coffee.

They leave to go get coffee.

Thad knocks on the door.

Sebastian answers.

Sebastian: what do you want?

Thad: to say hi.

Sebastian: well you've said now you can leave.

Thad: Sebastian, please let us come in.

Sebastian turns around and lets them in.

Sebastian: now why are you here?

Thad: uh emotional support.

Sebastian: get out.

Trent: wait.

Sebastian: what?!?

Jeff: we brought movies.

Sebastian: what movies?

Nick: Singing in the Rain, Hamilton, Bettle Juice, and Captain America: The First Avenger.

Sebastian: fine you can stay.

Trent: alright where do I get popcorn?

Sebastian leaves the room and returns a few minutes later with two big bowls of popcorn.

Trent: thank you so much.

Sebastian rolls his eyes and sits down.

They put in Singing in the rain.

After they have watched all the movies.

Sebastian: thanks for coming now leave.

Thad: Barry... We know that your upset and hurt but we wanna help.

Sebastian: you did. I just need time to think so please leave.

Thad: alright. There's the Barry we know and love, goodbye.

Barry: bye.

Thad and the cavalry leave.

Barry goes to bed.


Santana: so Thad, we know where Barry works wanna go visit him at work and convince him to come to the reunion.

Thad: definitely. Let's talk to his foster dad Joe.

Santana: alright we will go tommorow.

Dun, dun, dun. I'm back y'all it's been stressful and u was gonna be gone longer but finals are over and I will be having two hours of freedom every week day now so... Hurray.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

Have a blessed day and don't forget to vote and comment if you want to.

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