The Golden Key // Reader x Mimic.

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"And there, frozen in the snow..."

Once upon a time...

There was a blizzard.

It had already been such a harsh winter. Food was scare enough, but now your firewood was dwindling and each day seemed to get colder and colder.

And then the storm swept in.

It was the worst you had seen in years, brutal and unforgiving. With this winter storm came wild, screaming winds and freezing ice, the snow piling up and up and up. Huddled in your little cottage, you sat by the side of your little fire and watched it grow weaker and weaker, the light flickering so pathetically until...



In the shadows you shivered, knowing that you were just going to have to face the winter storm by yourself.

You had to. If you wanted fire, if you wanted had to. There was no one else for miles, no one but you in this lonely stretch if wilderness. No one else to help. Taking up ragged quilt, you wrapped it around yourself and went to brave the cold. The door opened with a sharp creak and, all at once, the storm came upon you.

Wind whipped and bit, rushing and biting at you like a wild beast.

Snow whirled through the air, seeking to freeze over you and make you a part of the winter.

Clutching the quilt as tightly as you could, you began to stumble your way through the snow and to the little woodshed. The snow blinded you, your eyes squinting painfully through the cold as you counted out the steps to the woodshed. Each little step brought you deeper into the wind and snow, the world around you becoming a white blur until...

Until you couldn't see anything.

Until you fell into the snow.

A sudden scream through pierced the freezing air as you fell, a cry heard only by the wild woods and the winter winds. Into the cold you collapsed, falling to your hands and knees. And, as you did, you felt something.

Something small and hard and cold.

You clutched your hand around it, picking whatever it was up so that you might see it.

A key.

What was it for?

It was small and golden, a layer of ice creeping over it. There were intricate little marks, runes of some kind perhaps, carved all along it. How very strange to find a little key out here. Had someone lost it? A you made to stand up, you noticed something even stranger. Your fall had brushed away the snow, revealing something else buried in the ground.

A lock.

What lay inside?

You couldn't see what else lay there, the snow and the dirt kept it hidden from view. Treasure, perhaps, gold and jewels, enough to ease your woes! Curiosity got the better of you and, with shivering hands, you pressed the key into the lock. It fir perfectly, turning with a sharp click as the lock came undone.

Something opened up beneath you.

A burst of hot breath broke the cold as the ground began to shiver.

Something was moving.

Snow and dirt broke away as a creature burst free from its prison. At first it was only a chest, thick and dark oak decorated with gold. But then this chest stood up and towered over you, revealing a thin, crooked body of pale brown skin and twisted limbs and sharp claws and glowing red eyes. The chest opened wide, revealing monstrous teeth and a long, black tongue.

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