Within the Woods // Red Riding! Reader x Big Bad Wolf.

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"What a big heart I have, the better to love you with."

Once upon a time...

A woman walked into the wild woods.

The woods were dark and foreboding place, and as some stories said, as some said, it was haunted as well. It was no wonder that stories were told about the forest. The paths were twisted and confusing and the trees stretched so far that little light filtered through them, enveloping any traveler into darkness and confusing. Such terrible things were said to lurk within the dark trees, monsters and dangers unlike any others.

Monsters growled hungrily, hunting lost travelers as they wandered through the darkness.

Ghosts wailed and groaned, their screams ringing into the night and filling anyone who heard the wailing with terror.

And, above it all, a wolf howled in the darkness.

The Big, Bad Wolf! The villagers whispered such horrific stories about the fabled monster, each tale more terrible then the last. Around the crackling flames, these terrible tales would be whispered in hushed voice, from villager to villager...

"Mighty teeth!"

"He finds and follows beautiful maidens wandering in the woods and carries them off into the darkness..."

"Massive claws!"

"He devours them! Feasting upon their blood and flesh and bone before going off to find a new girl to steal..."

"Glowing eyes!"

The stories seemed to whisper around in Y/N's head like a cold wind, sending a shiver of fear down her spine. As she walked down the dark path to her grandmother's home, her wide eyes searched the woods around her, wandering over the towering trees as her imagination grew more and more wild with every step.

Was that a howl she had just heard...or had it been just the wind?

What that the sound of some monster just behind her...or had it only been a woodland animal?

Was that a hunched creature darting through the trees...or was it just a shadow?

Y/N pulled her scarlet cloak closer to her shivering body, the cold creeping into her bones slowly and the fear growing just a little but. But she silently assured herself that there was nothing at all to be afraid of.

There was no monster lurking in the trees.

There was no Big, Bad Wolf hunting her down.

There was...there was...there was something there.

On the path before her was something, a creature that she had only imagined before. Y/N stopped in her tracks, looking up at the thing with wide eyes.

Mighty teeth.

Massive claws.

Glowing eyes.

Her basket fell from her hands, falling to the dirt path with a clatter and catching the...creature's attention. It stood up, revealing dark chocolate brown fur and a thick, tall form that towered over the girl by a good two feet.

The wolf.

The Big, Bad Wolf.

It lumbered towards her, golden eyes gazing at the woman through the darkness of the forest. Closer and closer it came, taking slow but heavy steps as it did. Frozen in place, Y/N found that she could neither flee nor fight the nightmare in front of her. All she could do was squeak one thing through her absolute terror:

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