True Love's Kiss // Sleeping Beauty! Reader x Fairy! Princess Charming.

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"You'll love me at once, the way you did..."

Once upon a time...

There was a baby.

After years of yearning for a little child of their own, the king and queen had finally been blessed with a baby girl, a princess. She was the light of the king and queen's life, the child they had dreamed of for so long! In their joy, they invited all to come celebrate with them.

Kings and Queens, bringing with them gifts of gold and little gowns for the baby princess to be adorned in.

Lord and ladies, bringing with them jewels and silks and many happy tidings for the Queen Mother and King Father.

And fairies.

One must never forget the fairies.

They brought with them the greatest gifts, the gifts of magic. One by one the fairies came to the little princess, cooing over the sleeping babe. As they fluttered around the baby princess's crib, each of them gave a beautiful gift of their own.

Great beauty.

Golden charm.

Elegant grace.

Clever wit.

Dance and song.

A good heart.

The gifts were given one by one, each fairy blessing the baby princess with a sweet kiss. Joy had never been so abound! That is, until, a coldness came upon the room. The lords and ladies shivered and whispered fearfully, whimpering as the chill crept around them like a frozen hand...and a wicked laugh filled the room.

"What a fine occasion!"

From a cloud of smoke stepped a fairy, tall and gorgeous. Her black gown sifted around her like an inky sea, her red lips pulled into a wicked smile. The crowd murmured and shivered as she steppe forward, reaching towards the slumbering babe.

"What a beautiful baby!"

Her sharp nails caressed the Y/N's chubby cheek, the queen shivering with fright as the fairy smiled at them.

"It was such a shame not to be invited, you know, but do not worry! I couldn't possibly be upset with such a small slight! I even brought the little princess a gift." The fairy sighed sweetly, looking down at the princess with violet eyes. "Your little daughter will be beloved by all, a perfect princess! She will grow to be beautiful and charming...until her twenty-first birthday. On this momentous occasion, your little princess will meet a tragic end."

The queen whimpered, a cruel smile pulling at the fairy's lips.

"She will pick her finger upon the spindle of a spinning wheel...and she will die!"

The queen screamed.

The king and his guards rushed forward, swords and spears in hand and they raced towards the wicked fairy. But before a blade could touch her, she had vanished once more, disappearing with the final laugh.

Terror resounded through the kingdom, panic filling the hearts of the king and queen and every peasant. And all at once, the king and queen fought desperately against the fairy's spell.

No one noticed a small, young fairy.

She crept to the little baby and, in a hushed whisper, she whispered her own gift before vanishing in a plum of purple mist.

No one noticed her brave deed.

The baby princess grew up, never knowing of the curse that hung over her head. How could her parents, who loved her so dearly, tell Y/N that she was doomed because of their own insult? It was too heartbreaking to bear.

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