Chapter 4

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A/N: I'm so sorry for not updating for so long. I had a HUGE exam block and the end of the year was soooo busy. I've finished school for the year now, so expect more updates :D Also, I'm very sorry for if the writing doesn't make any sense, like if I switch between First and Third Person. Enjoy <3


The kitchen was in chaos. The Brown children definitely knew how to cause a lot of trouble. You stood next to Simon on chairs, stirring a large concoction in a big metal pot. Eric made a bomb under the table, Chrissy and Lily were launching random stuff from a makeshift catapult at cook. Aggie slept on the countertop.

The cook, however, wasn't as delighted, she sat on the ground with fear in her eyes, gagged and tied up. It made you pity the cook, feeling a little guilty. But when you looked at Simon, you felt the butterflies in your stomach start zooming around again, making you feel giddy with excitement.

You stirred the plot, watching as Simon added some broccoli and socks for no particular reason. You start laughing, something, you realise, you haven't done for a long time. Simon looked at you, smiling. Seeing his reaction, you laughed harder and he started laughing too. 

You felt like living dangerously, you wanted to do something bad on your own. You wanted to show Simon how I could fit in with his family. You put a hand in the concoction that you both created and grabbed a small handful. 

"Hey, Simon?" you asked.

"Y-yes, Y/N?" he replied.

"Thanks for a great night, I'm having so much fun," you said, innocently.

"Well, I think you deserve- AHHHH!" he screamed.

You had thrown the soupy stuff at Simon, a smirk on your face. You felt very proud and accomplished. You looked back at Simon, blinking away tears. He was trying to get the watery mess off his face. When you finally got a hold of yourself, you saw Simon pouting.

"Aww, is my baby sad?" you said in a childish voice. 

"I can be more than just that," he whispered into your ear, his warm breath brushing your skin.

You blushed madly as he pulled away, hiding your face with your hands. Through the gaps of your fingers, you saw Simon's infamous smirk. You removed your hands and pouted, unknowingly putting your bottom lip out. 

"Aww, is my baby sad?" asked Simon in a singsong voice, mocking you when you had said the same thing to him only a minute ago. You playfully pushed him away and got back to stirring the pot with Simon.

Then you heard Cedric and Evangeline yelling at each, something about secret toast. You tried listening harder to see what you could catch over all the screaming of the children. Then, there was a crash of thunder and you jumped, falling off the chair you were standing on. 

 You wrenched your eyes shut, as you waited for the ground to hit you, but it never came. Instead, you felt a warm hand holding your wrist. You slowly peeled your eyes open to see the dark chocolate brown ones. They held a flash of worry, but the flash faded as the owner of the eyes pulled you back to a stable standing position. You realised it was Simon and you thanked him quietly. He muttered a 'you're welcome' back, and you both carried on messing around.

The door opened and there stood a woman, possibly in her early 50s. She had pulled back greying blonde hair in a bun and dull blue eyes. She had a couple moles on her face and a tooth jutting out from her upper lip. The woman was dressed solely in black as if coming back from a funeral. She wore a neck-high collared lacy dress, with black heeled boots. On her head, she wore a black hat, similar to a beret with black feathers protruding from the top. 

"Oh look, the door's opened and there's nobody there," said Simon. I gigged behind me and the smirk settled on his face, showing no sign of leaving any time soon. 

"I am here. I am Nanny McPhee," said the woman in a monotone voice. 

"Oh, oh did somebody speak?" asked Simon, loudly.

"I didn't hear anything," replied Eric.

"That's because nobody's there," said Sebastian, catching on with Simon's little scheme.

"Then listen carefully and try to hear this. Stop what you are doing, put the kitchen to rights, and go to bed."

"Hey, guys, I have an idea. Let's play in the kitchen. All. Night," said Simon, mischievously. I giggled again and nodded vigorously. He looked back toward me and laughed. 

The kitchen returned to chaos and Lily flung more food at cook.

Then Nanny McPhee pulled out a long wooden stick, and I felt the colour drain from my face. I stopped stirring and the smile fell from my face, no noise escaping my mouth. 

Simon noticed, "Hey, Y/N, what's wrong?" he asked, worriedly.

"The- the- the stick. Home- my stepmother- no, not again," you muttered, "I'm scared, Simon,"

"Don't worry, I'll protect you, I'll make sure she doesn't hurt you," he said firmly. You nod and hold onto his arm tightly.

Nanny McPhee then lifted her stick into the air and the whole kitchen went silent and still. Then, you felt something inside of you snap, you just couldn't take this anymore.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this," you whispered to Simon, letting go of his arm and walking quickly to the door, tears starting to streak your face.

"Yes, Nanny McPhee, sorry Nanny McPhee," you said as you passed her. She arched an eyebrow but her general expression remained indifferent.

The children's jaws dropped as they watched you walk up the stairs. The children then stared at Nanny McPhee, except for Simon, who just watched the stairs until you were out of sight. 

You ran upstairs quickly, hearing a bang and a series of screams from the kitchen. You cringed as you heard the children shout in fright, especially when you heard Simon yell at Nanny McPhee to stop. Your imagination got the best of you and you feared for the worst. You then hear the children yelling, 'please, please!' and 'Simon, just say it!'. You finally got to the children's bedroom, changing into the nightclothes Cedric had generously bought for you.

Then, you heard another bang of the stick and you unconsciously put your hands over your mouth and gasped. You hoped the children were alright.

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