1K READS?! Special Fluff Time

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HOLY SHIT YOU GUYS, WTF?! 1K READS IS SUCH A HUGE ACHIEVEMENT THANK YOU SO MUCH! If you couldn't already tell, I am quaking. I never ever thought that this would turn out the way it has!

Now, to celebrate, I'm writing a special fluff chapter for you guys :D Now please enjoy my beautifully (not really) written floofy chapter that I thought of while I was writing this little thank you.

Simon's POV

"You seek Lily, I counted last time," groaned Sebastian. I swear, he doesn't stop complaining. We were playing hide and seek while Father was at work and Evangeline was at the markets. We decided to play a game that everyone could play.

"Wait, how do you play again? I only remember the hiding part," said Y/N timidly. Then, everyone started laughing and I saw her cheeks turn a soft shade of red. Now she probably feels bad for not being able to learn how to play with her parents, but it's not her fault. I'll just have to teach her. 

"Well, someone counts, looks like it will be Lily. The counter counts to a certain number and then seeks and tries to find everyone else who's hiding. The first person who's found is the seeker for the next round, but we need to find everyone else first before we start the next round," I explain. The blush seems to fade slightly as Y/N nods her head in understanding, starting to smile.

"No one snitches on anyone, we are also not allowed to hide outside, in the kitchen, or else Cook gets mad, in Dad's room, Evangeline's room, or the spare room. Got it?" Y/N nods her head again and smiles.

"Ok, Lily, you can start counting. Go to 10!" says Eric, bouncing on the balls of his feet, no doubt getting ready to run as fast as he can to a brilliant hiding spot. I start going through a mental map of the house. It's so big, we can hide anywhere. 

"Go, guys, shoo, I'm gonna start..." Lily teases, smiling evilly, and then turns around, hands covering her eyes, "1... 2..."

Everyone takes off at a sprint except for Tora, who's holding Aggie, and Y/N who's panicking, probably thinking of a place to hide. I feel guilty for some reason, watching her in her panicked state. I stop at the foot of the stairs and run back to Y/N, grabbing her hand and pulling her along with me up the stairs. I look back for a split second to see her hair flying behind her and I grin at her.

Y/N's look of surprise quickly dissolves as we bound up the stairs, taking a sharp turn to the right. I open the spare cupboard and start moving shoe boxes and shirts on hangers around to fit us in the small space. 

"Hurry, Simon, she's nearly finished," whispers Y/N frantically. I shove everything to the side, making the mental note to fix it up and move everything back to the right place before Evangeline got back. 

I turn to Y/N when I hear, "9... 10! Ready or not, here I coooomeee!" Lily shouts, and I hear the sound of her feet skidding on the floorboards as she runs. I quickly beckon Y/N to follow me into the cupboard. She quickly follows me.

Usually, there is enough room for me to hide without feeling too cramped. Today, it is a tight squeeze, fitting me and Y/N in the closet. We go in together and realise we need to stand together to close the door. 

I feel the fluffy vest on the back of my neck, tickling me, and Y/N wedged between me and the wall. We stand pressed together, no room between us as we look into each other's eyes. I feel her fast breaths, pushing her chest up and down against mine. I try to get my eyes adjusted to the dark, and I swear her face is a shade darker like she's blushing. I reach up to push some hair out of her face because it looks like she just went outside while it was windy outside. 

She smiles, "Thanks," she whispers, and it's my turn to feel my face turn hot.

"No worries, N/N," I reply, trying to keep my heart at a steady pace and keep control of my breathing. 

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