Chapter 2

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Thanks for putting up with this book XD Seriously, I love you guys <3

Simon's POV

I woke up with a strange feeling that today was the start of something new, and in a way, it was! Today was the day that we would rid this house of nannies for good. My siblings and I had played prank after prank on the past 16 nannies that had tried to take care of us when Father is at work. We hate the nannies that take care of us because they treat us like little children when we just want to have fun. 

I got out of bed, got dressed and made my hair neater than it was when I woke up and walked downstairs. When I walked past the living room, I saw something on the couch, moving slightly. I stared at it, confused until Evangeline walked in behind me to wake up my siblings.

"Evangeline, what's that on the couch, covered in the blanket?" I asked, trying not to sound too rude.

"Why, that's a girl, Simon. She was on our front porch last night, dirty and cold. I just had to take her in." replied Evangeline. 

"But why is she here? Not at her own home, sleeping in her bed with her mamma and pappa."

"I guess that she doesn't have a bed or a mamma or pappa to stay with. She certainly didn't look like someone that is well taken care of. I best hurry along now, Nanny Whetstone said she would be here again a little after breakfast, so I better wake up your brothers and sisters to get them ready." Evangeline shrugged an apology, a light smile dancing on her face and went upstairs.

I walked into the dining room to see Cook laying out eggs, bacon and toast. When she saw me, she sneered and walked back to the kitchen. Probably going to talk to the other cracked eggs, I thought and smirked. (I can't pun. Sue me)

Then, as I sat down to spread the eggs on my toast my siblings came bursting in, Aggie in Tora's arms. They were talking about the girl on the couch and how Father said she could stay if she had nowhere to go. I hoped she could stay here, then I could have one more partner in crime. We talked as we ate, arguing whether or not the girl should sleep in one of our beds or just stay on the couch. Then Father came in, dressed ready for work at the parlour, and said goodbye before leaving. I couldn't care less at the moment, what with the girl occupying my mind and him never really spending time with us anymore. I just felt like he didn't care about us as much as he did.

Then Father told Evangeline to wake the girl and get her ready before Nanny Whetstone arrived to take care of the children. Evangeline happily obliged and my siblings and I ran alongside her to the couch.


My subconscious woke up before I did physically. I noted that I had slept comfortably for a decent of time and that a warm blanket was draped over my bare arms. My brain felt like it ad refreshed for the first time in forever and I felt like getting up and doing something for a change. Then I felt someone grab my arm delicately and shake me gently. Reluctantly, I opened my tired eyes and saw many people staring at me in my face. A wave of fear hit me like a tsunami and I hid under the blanket mumbling, "Please, don't hurt me. I'll be good, I promise."

The same voice that I heard last night responded, "We're not going to hurt you, dear. We just wanted to help you, is all. My name is Evangeline."

I peeped out from under the blanket and slowly scanned each face that looked at me. There was a baby, five children standing side by side, a kind-faced young woman and another boy. The woman looked like she was a maid, with her green, ankle-length dress, white, frilly apron and long brown hair pulled back into a bun. She smiled gently at me and encouraged me to come out from under the blanket. Then I looked at the older boy. He was taller than the other children and had soft dark brown eyes and tousled sandy-blonde hair. He looked concerned and had a small frown playing on his lips, as though studying the situation. He actually looks kinda cute. Y/N what are you thinking?! You just met this guy, you don't even know his name!

I giggled at his expression, surprising the small crowd I had, considering I had just been cowering under the blanket just moments before. Then the children smiled and the young woman helped me into a sitting position, collecting the warm blanket after she did so. 

"My name's Y/N. Thank you for taking me in last night." I said, trying to be polite as possible so that they would let me stay.

"Nice to meet you, Y/N. Mr Brown said that you can stay for as long as you need. Just call me if you need anything. I'll let you get acquainted with the children." Evangeline and walked away.

"Well then, looks like your going to be staying here with us," said the blonde boy, "Might as well get to know us. I'm Simon, and these are my siblings, Tora, Lily, Eric, Sebastian, Christianna, or you can call her Chrissy, and Agatha, but we call her Aggie."

"It's great to meet you all. Could you, perhaps, get me some clothes?" I asked. I was still in the raggy clothes I was forced to wear by my stepmother.

"Of course, Father brought in some clothes this morning. They're upstairs in our bedroom, by the windowsill," said Tora.

"Thank you," I said, then I realised I didn't know where their bedroom was, "Could you tell me where it is?" I asked, embarrassed.

"Straight upstairs, down the hall. The door's probably still open so you can't miss it." I think it was Chrissy who said that. And with that, I turned on my heel and quickly went upstairs to change into proper clothes and fix myself up.

When I came back downstairs, the children were waiting for me by the stairwell. I smiled at them, feeling much better now than I did before. I had no time for a shower, but I had washed my face and hands ridding my s/c of the dirt and grime. Then I had brushed out my tangled h/l h/c hair and put it into a high ponytail (or whatever casual hairstyle suits you). By the window sill, there was a pile of clothes, just like Tora said. I chose a pale pink t-shirt and some overalls. I also pulled on some socks and some ratty sneakers. Never looked better, I thought, smiling back at my reflection in the mirror. Then I saw the scratches and scars on my arms from the beatings I received from my old family. Just gonna have to play it cool.

When I greeted the children, they were shocked. My new friends looked like they had never seen me before in their lives. Then they smiled and complimented me on how much better I looked from this morning. Simon showed me to the dining room and Cook gave me some breakfast, some leftover toast and bacon. I had to say I was very impressed by her bacon.

When we went outside to play, I saw a large woman, maybe the same age as cook, striding toward us from the front gate, "Good morning, children!" she yelled and proceeded to walk toward us. 

"Who's that?" I asked Simon, hiding behind the taller boy in fright, "Will she kick me out because I don't belong here?" 

"That's our nanny, Nanny Whetstone. Don't worry about her, we're going to get rid of her," replied Simon, with a smirk. I blushed when he smirked at me and I turned away.

"How?" I asked, confused.

"We don't know the specifics yet, but it's gonna involve one heck of a prank." 

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