Chapter 7

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Sleeping never felt better. I felt rested for once and like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I felt safe. I shifted in bed, turning around, and felt an arm around my waist. Strange. I opened my eyes to see Simon's face next to mine. I felt my breathing hitch and but then I realised he was still asleep. 

He looked really cute asleep. His sandy hair fell over his eyes and his mouth was slightly open. He looked so peaceful, it would've been a shame to wake him up. I delicately raised my hand and brushed the soft locks of hair out of Simon's face, revealing a light splash of freckles that I never noticed before. I giggled when he adjusted his position and pulled me closer toward him.  

Then, he yawned and opened his tired eyes slightly. I gasped, thinking I must've woken him up when I giggled. He scanned my stunned face, processing what was going on, then smirked. Oh no, he's thought of something. 

"Well, well, well, what have I got here?" he asked. I blushed and started stuttering. 

"W-well, we a-are in the same bed," Gosh, that sounds so weird, why did I say that? "W-we fell a-asleep because t-that's what we d-do at night."

Simon laughed quietly, "We certainly did. How did you sleep?" How is he like this?! So calm and collected after he just literally woke up. Meanwhile, I'm here, literal trash. He's awake now to mess with me like this.

"I-I slept fine, g-great. W-what about you?" Y/N, you stupid! Stop stuttering, you are showing weakness! (This is SpArTa!! Someone stop me) 

"I slept well, better than normal. Y'know why?" he smirked. Oh God, help me. 

"N-no, care to t-tell me why?" I asked. Get a hold of yourself, Y/N!

"Are you serious, you don't know? I'll give you a hint," he said, bopping my nose softly. I struggled to hide my blush, evidently failing, so I resorted to hiding my face in Simon's neck. He chuckled at my reaction. 

He is too smooth for my own good or something is definitely wrong with me, I thought. Then, I was saved from Simon when I heard a voice.

"Get a room, you two!" it was Eric. He was the only one awake, but his yelling had woken everyone else. They started to sit up in bed, except Aggie who just waved her rattle and laughed. All eyes were trained on us and I'm certain that Sebastian and Chrissy were gonna start making fun of us. The embarrassment I felt was on full display, my blush bright red.

Simon was red, too, taking his arm away from around my waist. I looked at him and pouted, making him laugh. To save me from further humiliation, Nanny McPhee walked in the room, her walking stick sending shivers down my spine. Simon must've noticed because he pulled me into him, this time not removing his arm. 

 "Good morning, children. I expect to have you out of bed, bed fixed, you washed and dressed by 8 o'clock sharp for breakfast and morning lessons. I shall see you at 8," with that little speech, Nanny McPhee turned on her heel and strode out the door.

"Are we going to listen to her Simon?" asked Lily.

"Of course not, because I've figured out how she does it," replied Simon confidently.

"But how do you explain the kitchen coming to rights and Aggie not getting boiled?" asked Eric.

"And us going super fast?" asked Chrissy.

"It was all in our heads. She's a trained hypnotist, that's how she made us do all that stuff. The way to avoid it, just don't look her in the eyes," explained Simon. 

"Wait, what exactly did I miss last night?" I asked, very inquisitive.

"After you left, Nanny McPhee banged her stick on the ground and made us do our stuff super fast," explained Lily.

"Yeah, she made us say please," said Sebastian, sounding especially disgusted.

"Then my bomb almost exploded!" exclaimed Eric, excitedly, getting dirty looks from the other children, "but we almost cooked Aggie, too."

"So you're all ok, then? All that screaming was just you guys scared of hurting Aggie?" I asked. I had suspected much, much worse.

"Pretty much, sorry we scared you," said Chrissy. I smiled at her innocent facade. 

"Right, we are not listening to that hag, so if you want to listen to her, I want you guys to hurry. Sebastian run the thermometer under the hot tap, Eric, get the chalk, we've got a meeting with the measles," ordered Simon, taking charge. Eric saluted and Sebastian grinned, bounding off to the bathroom. 

"Are you going to do this with us? I mean, I understand if you don't want to," said Simon to me while the children excitedly got ready to play sick.

"Um, I don't know. I'm still a little scared of Nanny McPhee. Let me do crazy things with you guys tomorrow, I need some time to get used to this 'nanny' thing. I didn't have a nanny growing up."

"Really? Lucky..." said Simon, stubbornly, letting me get out of bed, giggling at his change in attitude. I quickly grabbed some clothes that I had put next to Simon's bed. I went to the bathroom and changed and washed. 

"I'll tell Nanny you're all sick, ok?" you said before leaving the room. The children nodded and I smiled at Simon, who smiled back, "Good luck, guys, I'll see you after lessons."

With that, I closed the door and heard the children start talking. I walked down the stairs, afraid to face Nanny McPhee on my own. I sat at the table and waited for Cook to serve breakfast. In a few minutes, Cook, Evangeline and Nanny McPhee came out from the kitchen, Cook and Evangeline carrying two plates of toast. When I locked eyes with Nanny McPhee, I subconsciously sat a little straighter in my seat. 

"Where are the rest of those brats?" asked Cook, rudely. 

"I'm afraid they're all sick in bed. I tried to help them but I don't know how to help them," you lied. You were scared you were going to get called out for lying, in fear of punishment. 

"Well, it's a miracle you're not sick, seeing as you stayed in the same room as them. Let's see how they're doing," said Nanny. 

Damn, two updates in one day, go me :D

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