Chapter 13

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Please spam me to remind me to update, my school's being a bitch so this is a nice break from work aka procrastination

Simon's POV


My eyes snap open at the sudden scream and I see Y/N sitting up, sobbing, body shaking. I quickly sit up and hug her, trying to calm down the distressed girl. She immediately turns to me, burrowing her face into the crook of my neck. I feel my shirt getting wet, slowly getting soaked with her tears, but I don't care. 

"Shhh, it's ok, Y/N, I'm here. You're okay, everything's fine."

"B-but it's not... we w-were running and- and... we got stuck... and s-she was here... and- and you..." 

I felt my train of thought abruptly stopping, crashing somewhere. She had a dream where we were together? Why would I be in her dreams? Could it be she- no, Simon, a girl like her couldn't possibly like you back. 

"Do you wanna talk about it, Y/N? About your dream, I mean." I can feel my siblings' eyes on us but I don't care what they think. My main priority is keeping Y/N safe, keeping her happy.

I feel her nod into my neck and I help her stand. Y/N shakes slightly as she stands, clinging to my arm to balance herself. I hold her hand and start to walk to the bathroom, where we can lock the door and keep the others from barging in. 

"Why are sad, N/N?" asks Sebastian. He starts to follow us, but I turn around and say, "Not now, Sebastian. Just leave us to it."

He sadly nods his head and watches us walk out of the room. I look over my shoulder one last time and see my siblings gathered around the door, watching us with curious eyes, no doubt wondering what happened. 

I lead Y/N into the bathroom and lock the door. She puts the lid down on the toilet and sits on top, trying to push her tangled hair out of her face and wipe her face. I sit on the basin, staring at her inquisitively, not knowing if I should start the conversation or if she will just tell me. 

I hear her short, quick breaths, trying to collect herself and I wait patiently, my legs swinging back and forth. 

"I had a weird dream. It was good and- and you were there with me."

"What was I doing?" I didn't want to push her, but I wanted to know. Was it because me, dream me? Is she upset because I did something, said something that potentially hurt her?

"We were here, well in the house. We were older than we are now, I think, like, we looked different. I was chasing you around downstairs like we were playing tag or something. You started to go upstairs, so I followed. Then, we went to that closet where we hid in for hide-and-go-seek."

I feel a little flustered, remembering what we did while hiding in that closet. It was a little awkward, I have to admit, but I also felt that weird rush when I had Y/N close to me, it was like... I don't even know how to explain it. It felt like how I was with my siblings, being in control, but also because I could make her blush. It was so strange.

"You opened the door but I couldn't stop running until I was inside. And then, you closed the door and we were in the same position as we were..." Y/N blushes and I smirk. I feel that sensation rushing through my veins again at the sight of making her blush. "And you asked me if you could tell me something important like it was a really big secret or something. It- it was something about... liking someone I think."

My heart skips a beat, my head running scenarios at a hundred miles an hour. What could I have said? One scenario started replaying itself in my head, as if on repeat. I like you, Y/N

I wasn't even certain of my feelings for Y/N, but she also made me feel that sensation when I make her blush, and I feel my heart flutter and I make her smile. I could've stared into her e/c eyes the whole time we were in that closet, could've run my fingers through her soft h/l h/c hair forever. I feel happier now that she's here, probably happier than I would've been if she wasn't.

"Okay, go on," I encourage her. Y/N had her eyebrows furrowed, as if deep in thought or trying to remember something. 

"Yeah... and then the ground started to break, and we were together over this chasm. We had to jump to the door, so I went first and made it. When I looked back, there was barely anything left for you to stand on. You jumped and barely made it, holding onto the edge and- and..." Y/N chokes on her words, trying to hold back the tears. I'm about to get down from the basin when she composes herself again.

"My stepmother just appeared out of nowhere. She held me by my arm and she hit my shoulder with her walking stick. It hurt so much, Simon, even if the pain wasn't real. Then you told her not to touch me... and she stepped on one of your hands, making you hold on by the other.

She- she said that you were trau-traumatised because you always hang out with me, that you couldn't stand me, and that she'd put you out of your misery like you would choose death rather than be in my presence. So- so she stepped on your other hand and fell into the chasm. I tried to save you... but I couldn't move. I-I'm sorry, don't hate me."

The last sentence was hardly audible, but I heard it. Her stepmother, choosing to kill me because she thought I'd rather be dead than be with Y/N. I couldn't understand the concept or reasoning behind it. I felt so mad, furious at the thought that she blamed herself for not being able to save me, or thought that I didn't like being around her. I loved being around her, and it wasn't her fault she couldn't save me. 

I got down from the basin, walking toward Y/N, who was shaking again. I grab her hand and she flinches, pulling her hand away, her eyes shimmering in fear. At her reaction, I feel myself breaking down into millions of tiny pieces, blown away by the wind. It hurt, it hurt so much seeing that she was scared of me.  

"I-I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm not even mad at you. I could never think of a reason why I would ever be." I try not to choke on my words but her simple action made feel so broken. 


I feel Simon's hand brush against mine, trying to hold my wrist. My head bursts and memories of my stepmother's similar actions flood my mind. Then it evolves, and I think Simon hates me now. What if he did hate me, only comforting me out of pity because I this little runaway from an abusive family? And I couldn't save him from my stepmother, what use am I to him? My fears take control and I flinch when his warm fingers try to hold my arm and pull away. 

I look at Simon and it's like that part in my dream, his eyes show so much feeling, and I feel so bad. He looks broken, confused, betrayed, hurt. The guilt hits me like a truck, just like in my dream, and it makes me stand up. 

"No, Simon, I'm sorry. Please don't hate me, I- I'm just-" My emotions overwhelm and I feel the tears resurface. I close my eyes to try and push them back and I arms wrap around me. I feel his head next to mine and his fingers running through my hair. I feel easier but I don't want to pull away. 

"I'm never going to hate you, never. The person I hate is your stepmother. She's the reason why I'm upset, making you feel this way. Don't ever think that I would hate you, or be mad at you. Now come on, let's get you cleaned up and we'll join the others for breakfast. Father said last night that he wanted to tell us something."


I'm back from the dead with just a little angst. This was just a filler chapter, and I thought you guys would want to see something a little different (idk if that was a good or bad different by oh well). Also thank you for all the reads, I never thought my book would get this much publicity, I truly appreciate it :)

I might also take longer than usual to update because the rest of this week and next week will consist of me studying and doing assessments, YAY (note sarcasm). Also a reminder, the art comp is open so you can submit art for my chapters. I might go a bit off-script from the movie, getting events in the wrong order in future chapters so bare with me.

I hope you have a wonderful day (or night, whatever time it is), and stay safe from this corona. ReMEmBeR SoCiAl dIsTaNcInG lmao. I love you (no homo)

Ally <3

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