Technically Chapter 12

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A/N: if my mum saw this story, she'd probably kill me, resurrect my sorry ass and kill me again :D


I'm kept up late into the night, my mind still racing, trying to keep up with the eventful day that has already ended. I can feel Simon's chest rise and fall slowly in his sleep and I find some comfort in the fact I'm safe, free from my stepfamily's tyranny.

Just thinking of my old life I left behind barely a week ago makes me shiver. Even here, some things still make me nervous, Nanny's stick, Cook in general, the potential fear I'm going to be thrown out onto the streets if Mr Brown decides he can't afford the liveability of eight children.

Then I remember Simon's promise, he would never let his father throw me out, he would rather go with me. I sigh, I don't want to cause trouble for Simon, he's already got such a nice family here. He has a place to sleep every night, meals on his table, people who care about him. Who do I have? I guess I can call the Browns my new family but I doubt I'll fit in, the girl who ran away, who wasn't strong enough to put up with her own family.

I hear someone sniffling, choking on their tears. I feel the tears stream down my face. It's me, I'm the one that's crying, how pathetic I am. I feel a hand brush the tears away, as light as the morning breeze. I turn toward Simon, who looks tired, but awake nevertheless. He smiles softly and continues to brush the tears away with his warm, delicate hand. My heart flutters like a hummingbird zooming from flower to another, trying to get enough pollen as possible in a small amount of time. I hide my face in his chest to stifle my sobs.

His hand moves to my hair and I feel him stroking it, an attempt to calm me down like my mother used to. The thought of my mother makes me break down again and I feel like I'm choking on air.  

"Do you wanna talk about it?" asks Simon. I shrug, I don't know what to say. I'm upset because you said you'd rather be kicked out of this luxurious life? I'm sad because I don't want to leave you behind if and when I get thrown out of the house?

"I- I don't know how to explain it. I don't want to leave, not ever, but I know it's only a matter of time, I can feel it. B-but you always say if I go, you'll come with me and it would be wonderful to have company but I don't want you to leave everyone and everything behind." Everything comes spilling out of me like a waterfall I can't stop. 

"I just- I don't know... I just want my mother and father back."

"You know what, I want my mother back too. It's been so hard without her, but I see so much of your mother in you, even though I've never met her. You helped my siblings and me when we were sick, you're kind and selfless, thinking of everyone before yourself. You shared your bread with us and even gave the rest to me when there was hardly any left... I'm really grateful that you showed up when you did, it feels like I'm whole again."

My brain stops functioning as the confession sinks in. Snarky, clever, mischievous Simon, just brought out some of the best of me. I feel warm and fuzzy, loved and safe. I feel confident that, as long as Simon is by my side, I'm not leaving this place. Not for a long time. 

"Thank you, Simon, I needed to talk. I know I can trust you when I need to talk about something." I look up to him and kiss his cheek. My entire body feels like it's going to explode, but on the outside I'm smiling calmly, closing my eyes, ready for sleep. 

"Any time you need me, I'll always be there. You can count on me," I hear Simon whisper and I nod.

"Goodnight, Si."

"Night, N/N."


An image forms in my head, vanquishing the darkness that formed behind my eyes. I'm running after Simon, but he looks older, and I feel taller. We race around the house, and I seem to know every hallway. He turns the corner, "Come on, you slowpoke!"

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