Chapter 16

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Simon's POV 

My daydream is interrupted by the sound of feet running across the grass. Chrissy is running at the speed of light and up the ladder in no time to tell some kind of news. But something's missing- 

"Where's Y/N?" asks Tora. Aggie smiles and says, "N/N, N/N!"

"She- she- Lady Stitch, she-"

"Slow down, Chrissy, catch your breath," my insides feel like butterflies are trying to wrestle each other. What if something terrible happened to Y/N?

"Lady Stitch wanted to take a girl back to Stitch Manor to be her daughter, so she tried to take me. But Y/N volunteered to go instead. She's packing her stuff right now, and then she's leaving," huffed Chrissy. Screaming and shouting ensued, but I blocked everything else out from my world. I had to do something

I found myself climbing down the ladder hastily and sprinting across the yard in an attempt to catch Y/N and try to convince her to stay. If she left, then I don't know what I'd do. Would I ever see her again?

Thoughts rushed through my head madly as I raced up the stairs, toward the bedroom. It would be a miracle if I caught her while she was packing. My eyes search the room for y/n's familiar figure but I found no one. I did, however, see a note on my bed. I pick it up in curiosity and read it;

Dear Simon, 

I have chosen to go with your Great Aunt Adelaide to her Manor so you and your sisters can stay together as a family. If I don't see you again, I just want to say thank you. 

Thank you for being there by my side, making me feel welcome and a part of your family, like I actually belong somewhere, with people who care for me. Thank you for making me feel better after all those times I felt out of place and upset, especially after I had that nightmare. I truly felt supported, I haven't felt like that in a long time. And thank you for catching me before I fell, always helping me back on my feet. I am grateful for that the most.

You are my best friend and I think it was fate that I passed out on your doorstep. I wish you all the best.

Love, Y/N

P.S. I left you my bracelet you won't forget me. Please keep it :)

After reading the note Y/N left behind, I found her bracelet left on my pillow. I lift it from the pillow delicately, as if it were made of glass, and clipped it onto my wrist. This was the only piece of Y/N I have left. If she's gone, I might not ever tell her how I feel. How she makes my heart race when she talks to me or my skin tingle when we make contact when I feel lost in her eyes, and comforted by her embrace.

Wait, if Y/N just left, I can still tell her. There's still time. I tuck the note into my pocket and swiftly run downstairs. I slip past Evangeline, who calls after me not to run in the house, but I don't listen. Instead, I speed up. 

My siblings are all watching the carriage riding down the road and past the wooden gate when I push past them. Everyone is shouting again but I don't care. 

All I'm thinking about it catching up to the carriage, trying to catch up with Y/N. A plan formulates in my mind as I run. I will catch up, convince Great Aunt Adelaide that she is making a mistake, and bring Y/N back home. I hear my father yelling at me to stop, but I don't care.

Then I can tell her about all these feelings. But what if she doesn't feel the same? Will she hate me? Will she never talk to me again? Will she reject me and stay with Great Aunt Adelaide? All these options swim through my head. I feel tears spring to my eyes, but I don't care. 

"Y/N! Hey, N/N!" I shout, "Y/N!"

I see the back of her head, her h/c hair left down. She turns around and she sees me, looking confused, and then sad. I lock my eyes with her e/c orbs and I have a feeling that it will be the last time that we will do that for a long time. But I can change that feeling, I will. 

"Simon, stop now! You can't make them stop," I hear my father's footsteps behind me and I try to run faster. I feel his arms wrap around my waist, keeping me in place. No, I was so close, why now? I could've gotten her back.

"No, they can't take her away, they just can't!" I struggle against his grip, trying to pry his fingers apart, "Dad, let me go! Y/N!" 

I kick father in the knee and his legs buckle beneath him. His grip loosens and I run. I run faster than ever. But it's too late, the carriage is rounding the bend and there's nothing I can do. I extend my hand, somewhat believing that if I wish hard enough, I can grab Y/N through the glass and pull he into my arms.

The carriage rounds the bend and I can't see her anymore. I slow to a stop, my arm dropping. My head falls, my legs buckle and I'm on the ground. I let the tears flow freely and my breathing quicken. All my energy is gone. I look down at the bracelet on my wrist, turning the beads on the bangle. This is all I have left of her. 

I feel arms wrapping around me again, this time, not in a restricting manner, but comforting. I try to conceal my sobs but I end up coughing. 

"It's ok, Simon, you'll see her again," said Father. I nod and wipe my face with my forearm. I stand up slowly, my legs wobbling. Father's arms hug my shoulders and we walk back home together, in silence.

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