Chapter 8

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Simon's POV

I heard voices and footsteps approaching our room. Probably Nanny McPhee telling us that we can't possibly have our lessons today. I smirked at the thought. Then I heard Y/N's voice.

"-see them after lessons, can't I, Nanny?"

"Remember, everyone, don't look at her eyes," I warned.

"I don't want you getting sick, child, but yes, you may. You need some company today. With you the only child that's eligible to attend lessons today, I have no choice but to cancel them altogether," I heard Nanny McPhee sigh and open the door.

My siblings and I put on our worst sick faces. Sebastian and Lily started coughing, Eric sniffled, and Chrissy and Tora groaned. We all looked pale from the white chalk and had red spots from the red chalk.

"We can't get up, we're ill," said Eric.

 "I've got a temperature," groaned Chrissy.

"I think we've got measles," I said in my best sick voice, trying to sound as if my sinuses were all blocked up. 

I heard Y/N gasp. She played along we us and walked to me, placing the back of her warm hand against my forehand.

"He feels hot, Nanny. What should we do?" I internally smirked. In the one day, I've known her, I've taught Y/N the art of pranking nannies very well. The key; make it look as realistic as possible. She's lying to Nanny McPhee, of all people, and her acting is on point. She seemed to have Evangeline and Cook fooled because they had strode out of the room, saying they would get cold rags from the kitchen.

"Well, children. It looks like Y/N here was correct, you seem too sick to participate in lessons. Looks like you're going to have to stay in bed," said Nanny sympathetically, then she banged her stick on the ground and Y/N flinched. Then Nanny walked out of the room.

"You did it, guys! You fooled her!" shouted Y/N excitedly. 

"Agh, please don't be so loud, that hurts my ears," groaned Sebastian.

"Yeah, can you be quiet," said Tora.

"What, what are guys doing? You can stop pretending now, they're gone," said Y/N concerned.

"We're not pretending, Y/N. I feel sick!"

"I can't get out of bed!"

"I didn't even look at her!"

Everyone started talking at once making loud noises that made my head pound.

"You can't be sick... you- you weren't sick before. How can you be sick now?" asked Y/N. She seemed pretty freaked out, but then again no one looked at her eyes. Y/n walked over to my bed and looked at me. 

"Wow, Simon, you look terrible," she whispered. Her eyes looked so soft, I wondered if she acted like this when her father was sick and she had to take care of him. It was different, to see her delicate personality when I had gotten used to the girl that broke the rules with us.

"Thanks for the compliment," I joked. Woah, I do sound terrible. I looked at Y/N and sighed. I can't explain how this happened, I was so sure that I was right. Then again, everyone did say they didn't look at her.

Then, Evangeline entered the room, wet pieces of cloth piled up on a metal tray. She hurried around placing one on my siblings' foreheads, then gave one to Y/N to put on mine. Y/N moved my hair off my forehead and gently placed the cloth on my head. 

"Can I talk to you later?" I asked quietly, trying not to strain my throat. She nodded, smiled sympathetically and then stood up from the bed.

"Do you guys want to go back to sleep or do you want breakfast?" Y/N asked. There were mixed responses of 'food' and 'sleep' from my siblings but in the end, we decided to sleep and then eat. Everyone settled down and tried to sleep, someone once in a while asking Y/N for a tissue or a glass of water. 

She did everything they asked without fail, being mindful of everyone. It reminded me of when she was a slave in her own house. Then I remembered that I told Y/N that we would spend time together after we got rid of Nanny McPhee. Looks like I failed that too. I sighed, then started coughing.

When everyone was asleep, I didn't feel tired, I just wanted to spend time with Y/N. When she placed Aggie in her cradle after singing a lullaby, she walked quietly to our shared bed to avoid waking up everyone else. It reminded me of when Mother sang lullabies to us. She smiled and sat beside me. 

"Do you feel any better? Can I do anything for you?" Y/N asked. Even after she finished attending the others, she was offering herself to do more.

"No, I'm fine for the moment. Thank you," I said awkwardly.

"What did you wanna tell me?" she asked.

"Well, last night, I told you that we could hang out after we got rid of Nanny but, I didn't," I pouted. 

"What do you mean? We're hanging out now, aren't we? Let me tell you, as long as I'm with you, I'm happy to hang out anywhere. You're my best friend, Simon," Y/N said and grinned. I smiled in return and had a crazy thought. 

"Um, it's still a couple hours till lunch. And you've been helping everyone get comfortable while they're sick. Do-do you wanna have a nap with me? I'm getting kinda sleepy myself," I offered. 

Simon, what the heck? Ask her to nap with you, what are you thinking? That just sounds weird, what if she thinks it sounds weird?! You're gonna need a so much luck to get out of this one, buddy. 

Y/N tried to stifle a giggle and I was confused. Why is she laughing? It's what I said, isn't it? Then, she removed the cloth from my forehead and placed it on the table. She stretched and walked to her side of the bed and took off her shoes. 

"Sure, as long as you don't get me sick," she joked, "I still gotta help Evangeline when everyone wakes up."

"Oh, stop worrying about everyone else for once. You help everyone so much, just have some time for yourself," I kind of scolded. She giggled in response.

"Yes, daddy, I'll do as I'm told," she said in a childish voice. 

"Did you just call me daddy?" I asked, confused. Where did that nickname come from?

"Yeah, that's what I would say after Mother died and he tried to take of me. It's kind of strange now, saying it when I'm older and, y'know, not saying it to my father," she replied sheepishly. There was a brief silence before I spoke.

"Do-do you mind telling me what you used to do with your mother and father?" I asked, "It's if you don't-"

"No, that's a good idea. I don't mind at all," Y/N said, smiling softly. She got under the covers and I wrapped my arm around her waist like had it when we woke up. She snuggled into me and thought for a moment.

"Ah, I know, I'll tell you about the time when-"

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