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"Y/N! Get your head out of the clouds and come eat dinner!"

I sigh and close my books, sliding them under my rosewood red bed, and sliding it on the hardwood floor. My feet grace the cold floor, attempting to avoid any splinters.
Some people think, 'Oh a book! It's the 1940's, who reads books? You should be working!' I roll my eyes at my own thought and push it away. People don't get it! The books have this certain...essence that draws me in, and pulls me head over heels.
I walk down the squeaky staircase to the dining room, petting my dog as I do so. He pants happily, I smile slightly.

"So I was wondering-"

I was cut off mid sentence by my dad,

"Don't speak at the table, Y/N! Have we not discussed this before or do I need to get the belt out again?"

I gulped nervously and looked down. Ever since my mom does a few years ago my dad hasn't been the same. Constantly calling me names and slapping my face when I got too 'mouthy'. I was waiting for the day I turned 18, in a few months at least.
I ate my dinner in silence, when I finished after my father I took his dishes to the sink and did them. I walked up the stairs and away from my father watching television in the living room, my dog happily following. We live in Upstate New York, also known as Northern New York. I also mean 20 minutes from the border, so it's pretty nice winters up here.
Every once in a while I walk around in the woods, mixing my business and looking for animals.
My thoughts were interrupted by my radio turning on.

'Well isn't that peculiar!'

I walked up to the radio to listen in, when I turned the dials I heard a blood curtailing scream, and a few mumbles and taps. I turned it off and walked to my bathroom, rinsing off my face and looking in the mirror.
I walked back into my room and turned on the radio again, this time it played a song. It was Doris Day! Oh she was my favorite singer!
I hummed and danced along, my favorite hobby since my mother and I used to do this all the time. When the song ended I smiled inwardly and turned off the radio.

"Y/N! Get your ass down here!"

I cringed and stumbled downstairs, petting the dog who followed me everywhere. I turned on my heels into the living room, where he was blaring the tele and looking at me. His eyebrows knitted together and his dark eyes twinkled with miserableness.

"Yes, father?"

"I would like you to tell me why you talked during dinner! Just a simple sentence, please! It's like I can't get any peace and quiet around here!"

The rest of his little rant was a blur to me, I was zoned out for most of it and kept eye contact. He was such a miserable shit. It's like I can't have a day to myself in this hell-hole of a house!
I ignored him and walked back upstairs, trying to cope with his constant screaming and nagging was getting to be too much for me. I pulled out my notebook on where I kept my most valuable possession, my notes.

I got a nice calming burst of energy when I opened up the notebook. The blue lines of the page had my messy handwriting down. The notebook was for my favorite radio broadcaster. I say 'was' because he died in 1933 if I remember correctly. I used to write down his interviews in this notebook, some pages left blank forever. I scratched the bridge of my nose and traced the writing on the page. I smiled softly, something my favorite broadcaster use to do a lot, he would say,

"You know my friends, if a person isn't smiling, are they really fully dressed? No! Because a person is never fully dressed without a smile!"

"Y/N! One last time, get your ass down here!"

I walked downstairs and patted the dog on the head once more. My dad sat at the table and gestured me to sit across from him.

"Now why were you talking at dinner?"

"It's not that big of a deal! You know mom-"

"We don't TALK about her in this household young lady!"

"Well maybe we SHOULD!"

He stood up and walked over to me, and slapped my face. A stinging sensation filled my face, from where he slapped me sent tingles down my spine. Instead of crying into a ball like I usually do, I laughed to myself quietly and I started singing song while I walked over to the weapon cabinet.

"Smile though your heart is aching
Smile even though it's breaking"

I reached to the top of the cabinet, where the key is stored away.

"When there are clouds in the sky, you'll get by
If you smile through your fear and sorrow"

I unlocked it and opened it, grabbing the double barrel shotgun I saw Bonnie and Clyde use on one of their famous escapes.

"Smile and maybe tomorrow
You'll see the sun come shining through for you"

I kept my grin on my face and grabbed the ammo, loaded it and pointed it toward my dad, my fingers trembling against the cold metal.

"Light up your face with gladness
Hide every trace of sadness"


I grinned and dropped the gun to my hand, I left a note on the table that read,

'Dear whomever is reading this,

If you see two bodies on the floor, don't panic! It's okay...just take care of my dog for me, okay? And don't take care of him like my dad did me, or else you'll end up like him, a bullet through his head.

So don't forget to smile!

Y/N L/N'

I put it on the table and kissed my dog on the head, and patted his ears one last time. I put the gun to my head and whispered,

"See you in hell douchebags"


The Demon Where Your Heart Should Be - Alastor x Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now